Widow of Judge Robert Bork rips Biden several new ones – IOTW Report

Widow of Judge Robert Bork rips Biden several new ones


[…] Years after the hearing and Bork’s retirement from his position on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in 1988 to “devote himself to writing and teaching,” Mary Ellen Bork said Democrats “would often come up to him to apologize for the way the Democratic politicians treated him and would leave with tears in their eyes,” but not Biden.

“We will all have tears in our eyes if Joe Biden is elected president,” she wrote. more

6 Comments on Widow of Judge Robert Bork rips Biden several new ones

  1. Judge Bork was trashed and screwed by Biden and Kennedy. It was the beginning of the politics of personal destruction for political purposes. Thank you, Mrs. Bork for reminding us how badly your husband was treated by these two low life lawyers.

  2. Bidet did the same, or worse, to Justice Thomas.
    Now some stupid pundit, I know “redundant”, wants Justice Thomas to recuse himself from any SC case that involves the election of President Trump.
    He wants him to recuse because of the way Bidet treated him.
    Sorry SloJo, you don’t get to hide from karma.

  3. I think you refer to Bush2’s “strong Bush Republican” Snarlin Arlen, Right?

    Arlen joined GWB’s acolyte BHO when it was clear he would be primaried about 10 years ago.
    Every one of those GWB “Republicans” should have been TARRED AND FEATHERED!
    DEEP STATERS to man!


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