Widow rituals fuel disease in Africa – IOTW Report

Widow rituals fuel disease in Africa

FOX […] Traditional cleansing rituals are intended to rid a widow of her husband’s spirit. In some communities widows are forced to have sex with a stranger, in others they have to clean their husband’s corpse and then drink the dirty water.

Widow inheritance, cleansing rites and the eviction of women from their homes are fuelling the transmission of HIV across the continent, and may have contributed to the spread of the world’s worst Ebola outbreak in West Africa, experts say.



SNIP: What was 0bama saying about respecting other cultures again?

17 Comments on Widow rituals fuel disease in Africa

  1. Thank goodness all cultures are equal!

    So many good things out of Africa! It’s no wonder that all the negroes in America want to return there, or, at the very least, turn their cities into Africa-like ghettoes!

    izlamo delenda est …

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