Wife Celebrates Abusive Husband’s Death By Dumping His Ashes In The Trash – IOTW Report

Wife Celebrates Abusive Husband’s Death By Dumping His Ashes In The Trash

KFI: When a loved one dies, people handle their passing in many different ways but there is almost always a heartfelt tribute. The same cannot be said when a not-so-loved one passes away, and that has never been more true than in a video one woman posted following the death of her husband.

Marsha Widener begins the clip by saying, “I know you’re not going to understand why I’m doing this,” then she shows a box of filled with ashes to the camera, explaining they are the remains of her late spouse, Don Widener. She states, “His family don’t want him, his brother doesn’t want him around, his kids doesn’t want him – actually, they want him to go in the gutter or the toilet.” Marsha reveals that Don was garbage man, bringing trash from businesses to the landfill, and that she will now send him to a landfill. more

30 Comments on Wife Celebrates Abusive Husband’s Death By Dumping His Ashes In The Trash

  1. I get why she and the kids are pissed off.
    But to put it on camera? I dunno bout dat.
    And by throwing ashes in the garbage and rubbing them into the ground, isn’t she technically allowing him to still be ‘there’? lol.

    She has to shoot that into space. It’s the only way to be sure.

  2. ..y’know, that’s funny ‘n all, but if those are actual human remains she just committed and recorded herself committing a crime, and she can be jailed by whatever jurisdiction she’s in and also used by the garbage man, garbage service, and downwind neighbors, and have to pay for toxic waste cleanup anywhere the ashes fell.

    Also, she stands to get VERY sick from INHALING them. Human ashes are NOT benign and will damage your lungs just as surely as breathing anything ELSE’S ashes, but not noted disease carriers IF completely burned. If NOT completely burned, it’s like huffing any OTHER corpse with all the attendant mortuary infections being in play.

    Plus, she’s killed her lawn. Human ashes are pretty salty, so it’s like a good Biblical salting, it’s gonna take a long time for the lawn to recover…

    …I don’t know her issues, but I do NOT have a problem with disrespecting the remains of a wife/child beater. However, as with ANY crime that breaks State, Federal, and local laws, it’s probably better to NOT publicly film yourself DOING it, just sayin’, unless maybe you say he was racist TOO and say “THIS IS FOR BLM”…

  3. At least she left Trump out of it. Probably just forgot in the heat of the moment.

    And Rich Taylor, I’d be checking her house for fish tank cleaner if I were Columbo.

  4. Zonga JUNE 15, 2020 AT 1:02 PM
    “Why did she stay with him? Something is wrong with the woman.”

    …spend a little time working with battered women, especially when kids are involved, and you’ll get more answers then you might want. Abusers spend a lot of time gaslighting their spouses for one thing, telling them how worthless they are and convincing them that they’ll NEVER be able to attract another man, so there’s that.

    They sometimes reinforce that negative self-image with beatings, then tell her no one wants a woman with bruises and a broken nose and knocked-out teeth.

    Also, guys like that are usually economic terrorists. They DO make the money, and generally CONTROL it, keeping Wifey barefoot, pregnant, and stupid so she becomes convinced she could NEVER get a job and support HERSELF, let alone KIDS. This is one of the things that makes domestics dangerous for the police, when they haul the abuser off, the abuseEE jumps them…because that’s her MEAL TICKET.

    Women can be too prideful in these situations. Most women consider husbands as “fixer-uppers”, may even have experienced his violent tendencies before, but go into it thinking “I can change him”. Leaving him would be an admission of failure, then EVERYBODY would know she “wasn’t woman enough” to keep him. Also, as long as he’s married to her, he can’t PUBLICLY go after Lurleen at the bar, and she doesn’t wanna see THAT, either.

    And, in terms of TRUE self-worth destruction, there’s always marital rape. Rape does a STUPENDOUS job of convincing a woman she is worthless and weak, and always carries the further promise of more and worse degradation and pain if not compliant if future. Rape psychology is an ugly, ugly topic, but suffice to say for our purposes that it can mentally break some women into total surrender.

    And then their are kids.

    Or should I say, hostages.

    Once a woman has children with a man, all bets are off. She has to feed and support them somehow, and HE’S the somehow. If she leaves him and takes the kids, that’s MULTIPLE helpless people she has to house, feed, and defend when she probably can’t do so for HERSELF. If she LEAVES them, then that’s with full knowledge that his hate will probably be taken OUT on them, broken bones and child rape NOT excepted.

    Sure, she can have the cops remove him, but not FOREVER.

    He’ll be BACK.

    And he WON’T be HAPPY.

    …and if he’s a persistent fellow, he’d go looking for her if she fled, and give her her beating at the shelter, or at Mom’s house, or wherever she fled to.

    The lady may, herself, come from an abusive background, where this was the NORM, her own mother may tell her it’s just what husbands DO.

    Some even come to see abuse as a sign of caring, and of love. “He’s beating me for my own good”. Helsinki syndrome’s got NOTHING on an abusive marriage.

    And this is BEFORE you get to Islam, where wife-beating is an article of FAITH, and OK because Mohammad did it.

    …no, not all women are saints, but please don’t denigrate a woman just because she doesn’t just leave that jerk. There’s a LOT going on there YOU don’t know about.

    I got my education on the streets when I was picking up human wreckage, both child and adult, from these situations. Came to know some well because they were, unsurprisingly, frequent flyers. In some cases I met husband AND wife separately on different occasions, him usually after the cops tuned him a bit.

    And all I can tell you in this forum is that evil DOES exist, and manifests in abusive marriages a LOT.

    My own SISTER was in an abusive marriage, and NEVER told ME about it until her “husband” was DEAD. Why? Because she heard me discuss the things I’d seen on the street, knew my views and some extracurricular activities I indulged in concerning them that I won’t go into here, and didn’t want HER man to get the ass-beating he so richly deserved…because she was sure she could CHANGE him.

    And because he was my niece’s father.

    Happily, for reasons no one needs to know here, my niece was largely raised by MY parents, so I’m pretty sure he never hurt HER. But stuff my sister told me post-mortem made me want to dig his sorry dead ass UP just to beat the BONES out of him.

    But, in the words of Aeschylus, “Pain lays not its touch upon a corpse”.

    But she hid it from her nearest and dearest because the bastard ruined her and she was trying to prove she could make it work.

    …so I know about this a few different ways. God has blessed you that you don’t know these things, @Zonga,but if I could be so bold, perhaps you could spend some time at a local woman’s shelter and learn a bit for your own edification. Zonta is an organisation that also covers these issues and more, may be profitable to use them for a bit of research as well. My own 80+ mother still works for a local chapter, perhaps in atonement, I don’t know.


    …anyway, don’t hate these women, just be glad you haven’t had to walk a mile in their shoes.

    And please, please pray for them.

    I do.

    God Bless,

  5. SNS,
    On target with

    “The lady may, herself, come from an abusive background, where this was the NORM, her own mother may tell her it’s just what husbands DO.

    Some even come to see abuse as a sign of caring, and of love. “He’s beating me for my own good”. Helsinki syndrome’s got NOTHING on an abusive marriage.

    And this is BEFORE you get to Islam, where wife-beating is an article of FAITH, and OK because Mohammad did it.”

    May I add that she abused her own psyche even more when she did what she did. That was not a cathartic action.

    Ultimate female child abuse after abortion is FGM, at the hands of adult females.

  6. Forgiveness does wonders, by throwing away somebody’s ashes like that, you won’t come out on the winning end. She will more than likely continue to be angry. I will pray for her and her family. 🕊️❤️🙏

  7. Years ago I lived in an apartment complex. There were several buildings, each with four apartments – two on each floor. I lived on the second floor. Across from me lived a woman with three children. Her husband had hit her once — and she took the children left.

    Below me lived a married couple. I don’t recall if they had children or not. One night he got violent and knocked his wife around a bit. As I recall he punched a hole in the wall. He was taken away but, as SNS said, that wasn’t for long. The woman across from me tried to help the woman downstairs and helped her find resources to give her the strength to leave. The woman ended up saying “Oh, but he really isn’t like that” or some such. The woman across from me then said “Forget it. If you aren’t going to do anything to help yourself then I’m not going to waste my time trying to help you.”

    I was just thinking about it: the woman across from me was Hispanic. The woman downstairs was white. I wonder if how and where they’re were brought up made a difference. The woman across from me must have had her first child when she was 16. I guess she had to have an inner strength in order to survive. She still had a working relationship with her (soon to be ex-) husband in as much as they shared custody of the children with him having them some weekends.

  8. Supernightshade June 15, 2020 at 12:56 pm

    Plus, she’s killed her lawn. Human ashes are pretty salty, so it’s like a good Biblical salting, it’s gonna take a long time for the lawn to recover…


    Maybe she should have put him in a salt shaker and fried his ass again.

  9. …not saying they’re aren’t abusive WOMEN out there too, @gin blossom, and I know divorce courts and custody law and child support tilts HEAVILY towards females. Believe me, I could put together a group of divorced men with bitch wives just by walking through the break room, and in a COUPLE of cases, they’re actually telling the TRUTH.

    I know, because I SAW them.

    In this case, however, unfortunately only one side is available, so the only “facts” we have are what this gal gives us. IF it’s true that his own brother and mother don’t want his corporeal remains, that’s a pretty strong indication that it ain’t just HER.

    IF it’s true.

    I don’t know.

    I’m inclined to believe her, again, because she clearly didn’t win the Beauty Olympics, and likely had some pretty crap self-esteem and so wouldn’t be that hard to control. She doesn’t look the type to work outside the house, and there’s a LOT of rage here, more going on than was said in the video. l’ve been something of a street corner counselor before for reasons I’ve already laid out, and she definitely has MY Spidey Senses tingling, just from the way she’s abusing mere ASHES.

    ..that said, yes, she COULD be lying. About EVERYTHING. That may even be kitty litter and not burned bone in there, IDK.

    But I DO know that spousal abuse is FAR more common male to female than the other way around, and that on the whole I didn’t spend a lot of time transporing HUSBANDS who “ran into a door”.

    Some of this is from talking to guys I know WELL. Not the abuse in their cases so much, but you talk to them about their divorces, you usually get ’round eventually to that young girl that “if you only knew, YOU wouldn’t have passed it up, really” or some half-assed defense of why they tried to avoid paying their child support emerges, yeah, I liked these guys, but they DID have certain truthfullness issues when it came to infidelity and paying for their kids. I’ve done stupid things in my youth too, I shared Adam’s weakness, but by the grace of God it didn’t get to THAT point, but Ive no doubt it COULD have, so I know as a man that men DO do stupid things on a more regular basis and ARE more prone to walk away from their responsibilities with fewer regrets than women…

    ..so again, all I can tell you is what she says, and what I’ve seen. On its face she seems to be a profile in abuse, and I’ve seen more and worse like her in real life so I know it exists.

    But then, my business was with the LIVING, so I didn’t get called to the wife who murdered her husband in his sleep because WOMEN are generally better poisoners and backstabbers and my own wife can group .45 ACP in the 9 ring at 15 yards, so I can’t speak to the typically more FINAL and COMPLETE cases of woman abusing men, as they generally end up pretty one-sided too…

    …no one has a better opportunity to kill you than the person who preps your food and watches you fall asleep later.

    …sleep well tonight, guys…

  10. I can understand the woman’s bitterness. My sperm donor was a violent asshole who use to beat the egg donor up. She finally left him when I was a teenager. After I left the house, she hooked up with him again and remarried him. When he died I was relieved and didn’t give two sh*ts. I have no relationship with the egg donor, she came back for seconds and I have no respect for her. Like the sperm donor she made her children’s lives miserable.

  11. I think the more humane thing to do would be to mix his ashes in the BBQ with some pork rib juices and shit…Then send his ass to the landfill he could be happy for eternity then!

  12. Huh.

    Well, she already desecrated the body in some sort of an orgy of pagan flames. Not surprised this unappealing sack of doorknobs went even further.

    What’s more important right now is for supershade to hep’ me get my barn re-electrified after I shorted it out.

  13. Zonga
    JUNE 15, 2020 AT 5:49 PM

    Zonga, I appreciate the attempt at humor, but I’ve only told a tiny amount of the shit I’ve seen and lived here, so forgive me but I will never find abuse to be funny.

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