Wife of Boston Marathon hero said Biden touched her in ‘an inappropriate and uncomfortable way’ – IOTW Report

Wife of Boston Marathon hero said Biden touched her in ‘an inappropriate and uncomfortable way’

But an unnamed ‘friend’ claims the accuser is still a Biden fan.

WA EX: The wife of a Massachusetts transit police officer who was injured in the manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombers accused Joe Biden of touching her inappropriately and making a suggestive comment in 2014.

In two Facebook posts, one of which has since been deleted, Kim Donohue alleged that during a remembrance ceremony in Boston, a year after the April 2013 deadly bombing, then-Vice President Biden began “rubbing” her lower back. more

8 Comments on Wife of Boston Marathon hero said Biden touched her in ‘an inappropriate and uncomfortable way’

  1. I’m not saying I don’t believe Biden did it.
    But if you’re the woman and Biden is doing that shit near your husband, tell your husband.
    If you tell your husband, or he sees it and doesn’t say/do anything, get a new husband.

    But before it even gets to the point where you have to say something to your husband, stand up for yourself and say something out loud. I don’t care how crazy people think you look. Secret Service was RIGHT THERE.

    She could have stopped other women from getting assaulted.
    If not, then she could have removed him from politics.

  2. Isn’t this supposed to be happening to Trump? Or is this supposed to be sort of a Vera Baker thing, to make Joe look like a randy, virile alpha, instead of a withered husk who pees his diaper. You Biden henchmen have a tough row to hoe. I’ll give you that.

  3. According to Jill’s former husband, Joe Biden made the move on his wife and convinced her to commit adultery with him. Biden claims he was intro’d to Jill as a blind date through a friend, but Jill and her then-husband spent time with the Joe and his wife — even in their own kitchen — when they were supporting his first election.

    Biden lied about the cause of his wife and child’s death; that it was a drunk driver. He thought nothing of destroying a man’s reputation and livlihood for no discernible reason.

    Biden stood on the debate stage this week and lied about just about everything to us.

    Who is the most likely liar in this scenario?

  4. He’s a politician, therefore it’s a given….he has screwed up, screwed down, screwed them and screwed us.

    Of all the screwing he has been involved in it is WE the PEOPLE that have been screwed over the most.


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