WikiLeaks: Clinton Team Leaked Creepshot of Bernie Sanders in His Swimming Suit – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks: Clinton Team Leaked Creepshot of Bernie Sanders in His Swimming Suit


Breitbart: The Clinton campaign buzzed over a picture of Bernie Sanders in his swimming suit, at the same time they were pushing stories about the Vermont Senator attending a fundraiser for Democrats with wealthy supporters.

Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, Tina Flournoy, emailed the attached photo of Sanders relaxing by the pool at the DSCC retreat to Brian Fallon, Clinton’s national press secretary.

“Omg,” Fallon responded.

“Can we tweet?” asked Podesta.

“I think we shd give to NY post,” Fallon responded.

Flournoy added that she would send more information about the event, including the people who attended.

“Thank you,” Fallon replied. “We are on this.”

The conversation was made public by Wikileaks, as part of the ongoing release of emails from John Podesta’s private gmail account.

It appears that the New York Post did not run the story, but that didn’t stop the Clinton campaign from pushing it.

The photo was published by Perez Hilton just one day after the Clinton team discussed releasing the image.

“I wonder what Mike Bloomberg would think about this???” wrote Hilton on his blog. “Bernie Sanders lounges at elite Martha’s Vineyard pool, summer 2015 after helping raise money from Wall Street lobbyists.”

The following week, several stories appeared in the media questioning Sanders for attending fundraisers for Harry Reid.

“For Sanders, campaign finance purity not always possible” wrote MSNBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald, citing “a guest list obtained by MSNBC” that included “previously unreported are details about who exactly attended those fundraisers.”

“Bernie Sanders: Prolific Democratic Party fundraiser,” wrote CNN’s Eric Bradner on Monday, February 8, announcing that “CNN has obtained invitations that listed Sanders as a host for at least one Majority Trust event in each year since 2011.”

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton picked up the torch, accusing Sanders of taking Wall Street money that week, ahead of the Democratic primary in New Hampshire.  MORE

5 Comments on WikiLeaks: Clinton Team Leaked Creepshot of Bernie Sanders in His Swimming Suit

  1. At least he’s not wearing a speedo. And once again, the clinton campaign blasting someone else for the same sh*t they do and worse. See, they DO know it’s wrong and that they’re screwing the American people, but they JUST DON’T CARE – they just accuse someone else of it to take the spotlight off themselves.

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