WIKILEAKS: Here’s How The Clinton’s Free Private Jet Scam Works – IOTW Report

WIKILEAKS: Here’s How The Clinton’s Free Private Jet Scam Works

Daily Caller: Ira Magaziner, the CEO of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, asked former President Bill Clinton to thank Morocco’s King Mohammed VI for “offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia.”

“CHAI would like to request that President Clinton call Sheik Mohammed to thank him for offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia,” Magaziner gushed in a November 22, 2011 email released by WikiLeaks.

Clinton frequently has expected free, luxurious private jet travel during his post-presidential life. Clinton, his wife and daughter have artfully secured free air travel and luxurious accommodations since they left the White House. It’s an effective way to accept gifts of great value without declaring them for the Clinton Foundation.

“It’s highly illegal and it’s likely that the owners of these aircraft took tax deductions as a gift to the Clinton Foundation,” Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst and critic of the Clinton Foundation, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.


In the Moroccan case, Clinton was able to fly for free, jetting 3,367 miles from Rabat, Morocco, to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the King’s specially equipped 747-400 jumbo jet.

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7 Comments on WIKILEAKS: Here’s How The Clinton’s Free Private Jet Scam Works

  1. I do hope that warm memories of flying around in a luxurious airplane brings solace to Bills and Hills; enough so that the deep contempt felt by Americans toward them is somewhat offset by those memories. 😉

  2. I thought that all ex-presidents got a taxpayer allowance of millions of dollars a year each for office space, staff expenses, and ‘travel’? Are the highly expert criminals double dipping on travel?

  3. too bad the Clintons don’t fly on deathtrap airlines like Air France or Aeroflot. Strap ’em into an Airbus or an Ilyushin and watch the fun begin.

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