Wikileaks: Lawyer Representing 9/11 Families Against Saudis Wanted to ‘Defang’ the Issue – IOTW Report

Wikileaks: Lawyer Representing 9/11 Families Against Saudis Wanted to ‘Defang’ the Issue


An attorney representing the families of victims of the September 11 attacks reached out to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and aide Cheryl Mills offering to help “defang” the “politicization” of lawsuits implicating Saudi Arabia in the terrorist attacks.

“Those of us who have been concerned about that politicization have had some thoughts about how to defang the issue and would be happy to knock those around with you or Cheryl if and whenever you like,” attorney Jack Quinn wrote in a March 27, 2015 email to Podesta and Mills.

The emails have been made public along with thousands of pieces of correspondence from John Podesta’s email account by the organization Wikileaks. Wikileaks claims to have tens of thousands of such emails, but is releasing them in smaller batches as part of a searchable database.

Quinn initially wrote to Mills and Podesta on March 26, 2015 introducing himself as “co-counsel to a large number of plaintiffs in the ‘9/11 cases’” in New York. Given the ties between Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation, he wrote, made some on his legal team consider that “you may find it helpful to receive a briefing on the status of our discovery efforts, our responses to KSA’s motion to dismiss and our best assessment of prospects for the litigation and its final resolution.”


7 Comments on Wikileaks: Lawyer Representing 9/11 Families Against Saudis Wanted to ‘Defang’ the Issue

  1. Lets see the reaction from the 9.11 families. Most are worn out and broken. A 15 year long battle for personal justice which will likely turn into 20 years before we now it, continues to drag on and roast them. Changing law firms would be a devastating setback.

    Meanwhile, the scumbags and crooked filth liars and con men they heve trusted to fight for them are actually selling them out in pursuit of rigged settlement with the help of the Saudi Bag Lady hitlery clinton. She is the direct pipeline to Saudi royalty and arranging for the free flow ofbribes and pay offs in return for surrendering American interest.

    Ryan knows, who better to broker a fast settlement that is appealing and minimaly painful to the saudis then hitlery? If she can sell out America she can sell out these desperate families in a flash. Jack Ryan wants hismoney before he dies. Its his golden manna from heaven, he rides off into the sunset a wildly rich man. He doesn’t darewant to take this to trial, years of delays and a guaranteed appeal, and him to croak before it’s finally resolved. Fuck the family and survivors, he wants it quickly ended in a horribley inadequate settlement (except for him) and Hitlery is the one to broker the deal.

    May these devils be the first to be burned in public.

  2. Yet more proof that lawyers are a species of parasitical vermin. Unless this turns out to be tactic,approved by his clients,to force some sort of settlement from the Saudis,then he probably should be disbarred!

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