Wikileaks Speech Dump: Hillary Clinton Called It ‘Good News’ That China’s Xi Will ‘Assert His Authority’ – IOTW Report

Wikileaks Speech Dump: Hillary Clinton Called It ‘Good News’ That China’s Xi Will ‘Assert His Authority’



Breitbart: Hillary Clinton allegedly told attendees at multiple private speeches that she believed Chinese President Xi Jinping was a “sophisticated” and “effective” leader and it was “good news” for America that he was working to “assert his authority” over the People’s Liberation Army.

Wikileaks published an extensive database of what the organization claims are excerpts from a variety of speeches Clinton gave after she left the office of Secretary of State in 2013. In several speeches that year, Clinton referred to Xi, who took office in late 2012, as a promising new leader for the communist country, particularly when compared to predecessor Hu Jintao.

“The new president of China is a much more sophisticated actor than his predecessor. He lived in the United States for a short period of time, actually lived in Iowa on a — on a farm. He was working in agricultural issues within the Communist party, you know, about 30 years ago. He is a better politician than his immediate predecessor, Hu Jintao,” Clinton is quoted as saying in a speech allegedly given to the CME group in November 2013, a year after he took office.

The remarks echo a similar quotation from June of that year, where Wikileaks cites Clinton as saying, “He’s a more sophisticated, more effective public leader than Hu Jintao was. He is political in the kind of generic sense of that word. You can see him work a room, which I have watched him do. You can have him make small talk with you, which he has done with me.”  MORE

5 Comments on Wikileaks Speech Dump: Hillary Clinton Called It ‘Good News’ That China’s Xi Will ‘Assert His Authority’

  1. Ya Know, if I was the recipient of a potential drone candy gram. I might start digging deeper. China wanting to eradicate us, is soo, whatever. Hillary supporting China is so, what’s new?

  2. This country is SO divided…..why not allow the fuck-faces to go their own way??

    OH, I know, it’s because they cannot survive without US! And they damn well know it.

    FUCK! I absolutely despise liberals.

  3. Sooooooo. . .. Hellary admires the new Chinese dictator, just like Trump says that he trusts Putin over Hellary? And yet the Dem-S-M twists to say that Trump admires Putin, and says nothing about Hellary? Got’cha.

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