WikiLeaks turns its focus on Trump – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks turns its focus on Trump

DC: The honeymoon between WikiLeaks and President Donald Trump appears to be over.

The group, founded by Julian Assange, published two tweets on Sunday criticizing Trump over his failure to release his tax returns.

In one of those tweets, WikiLeaks said that Trump broke a promise to release the documents.

Earlier in the day, WikiLeaks encouraged would-be leakers with access to Trump’s tax returns to share the documents anonymously online. That request came after White House counselor Kellyanne Conway told NBC News’ Chuck Todd that Trump will not release his tax returns. more


21 Comments on WikiLeaks turns its focus on Trump

  1. Releasing tax returns is a political “tradition”, not a law. Considering The Donald’s world wide business empire, his tax returns would be stack half the size of the Encyclopedia Britannica, they would not be a simple thing easily understood by the LoFo voter.
    And would YOU want everyone pawing through YOUR private financial information, looking for the “gotchas”?

  2. This – and any material found – will be nothing more than a distraction. After all, Trump paid professionals a lot of money to use tax regs to his advantage. If there had been anything illegal, Obama, Holder and Lynch would have nailed him.

  3. If I was Trump I’d say when Obamas college records are unsealed I’ll turn over my tax returns. Besides I cant make out my own tax return so how would I understand his.

  4. Many “hallowed traditions” associated with the Presidency got their start in the 70’s. Releasing Tax returns (Nixon) and walking in the inaugural parade (Carter) were two of them.

    Somehow, we managed to avoid a traditional Presidential leisure suit. Maybe we can rethink some other bright ideas from the 70’s, too.

  5. I thought the tax return thing was for people who worked in the public sector as politicians? Ex-governors etc? Trump has never been in elected office, remember?


    A now sitting president is willing to pardon Assange, or at least not bother to have him put on trial, and Assange and his team decided it’s better to stay in the embassy for the next 4 years?


  7. Not for nottin’ but I not interested in Trump’s tax returns, it’s my own that interests me. I don’t mind paying them but I hate to see my money pissed away. I wonder how many vacations President Trump takes?

  8. Trump should be offering Assange asylum and Snowden a pardon. To paraphrase Lyndon Johnson’s famous comment when he refused to fire J. Edgar Hoover, it’s better to have ’em in the tent pissin’ out, than outside pissin’ in.

    That being said, if Trump said he would release the returns once he was elected, then he should release them. This is no time to start breaking campaign promises. Makes people nervous about all the rest of them.

  9. He outplayed them. Again. During the campaign he promised after the audit he would release them. There was no “after” the audit, and he knew full well there wouldn’t be. After the election there is no reasons and no promise to release a damn thing.

  10. Thirdtwin: Absolutely agree with your comments.Trump should have stated at the beginning of his campaign that his tax returns were nobody’s business. Remember how Romney’s tax returns were used against him, because they showed how successful and generous a businessman he had been. And One Eyed Harry Reid lied about his tax returns anyway!

  11. I do not like the tradition of getting out of the limo and making the entire family targets. I prayed the entire time for their safety. I had a nightmare that Hinkley came after Trump.

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