Steve Hilton: Hey Gov. Jerry Brown, why won’t you talk to me about illegal immigration?

Don’t expect California Gov. Jerry Brown to roll out the red carpet for President Trump when the president is scheduled to visit the Golden State in the week ahead.

A raised middle finger is a more likely greeting, after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions slapped a lawsuit on Brown and his “resistance” henchman, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, over their “sanctuary state” defiance of federal immigration laws.

The president is scheduled to head to the Otay Mesa border crossing near San Diego to take a look at the prototypes of the new border wall that was one of his most prominent campaign promises. He’s certainly determined to “Build the Wall” – and rightly so.

It seems bizarre to me that the idea of protecting your national border is even mildly controversial. It certainly isn’t in any other country I’m aware of. Quite the opposite, it’s seen as a basic expectation of government.

And as the New York Times recently – and perhaps unwittingly – showed, there are huge sections of America’s border with Mexico that are effectively unprotected, whether by a man-made barrier or a natural one.

Just scroll down to the “Short Fencing” section in this interactive map to see the vast gaps that exist. Who knew that the New York Times would end up producing one of the most persuasive arguments for President Trump’s wall?

But the question I have for Jerry Brown, after reflecting on this week’s back-and-forth with Sessions is this:

Gov. Brown, will you build a wall? Not between California and Mexico, of course – your extreme open borders ideology won’t let you do that (or perhaps more accurately, your weak pandering to the open borders extremists in your party’s base won’t let you do that). But will you build a wall between California and Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona? That is the only logical consequence of the position you have staked out.  more here