Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak, Or Just Shout ‘Racism’? – IOTW Report

Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak, Or Just Shout ‘Racism’?

TH: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used to trace outbreaks to Patient Zero, the index case—the first patient to get, then transmit, a disease. Is this government agency doing due diligence in the cases of the polio-like paralysis infecting hundreds of America’s kids?

By the dictionary’s telling, epidemiology is “the branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations.”

By WND’s telling, “the diagnosis of the first cases of AFM, acute flaccid myelitis, in 2014,” coincided with the dispersal of thousands of Central American children among U.S. school children. More conspicuous at that time “was an outbreak of a deadly respiratory illness” that put hundreds of America’s children in intensive care. “Both types of symptoms can probably be caused by enterovirus D68, which happens to be endemic in Central America,” opines Dr. Jane Orient.

Are the state’s epidemiologists—whose job it is to trace and terminate outbreaks of contagious diseases—following these connections? read more

6 Comments on Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak, Or Just Shout ‘Racism’?

  1. Does science require you to be a liar and a dumb ass? Does it require people to die because possible hurt feelings? Imagine if they did that to gays with the AIDS epidemic. Ooh that’s right, they kinda did.

  2. I remember that deadly respiratory illness of 2014. I don’t believe it just affected children. I spent a week in the hospital with the worst respiratory illness I have experienced. I wonder how many adults died from this. Of course I’m all wrong thinking I had the D68. All the doctors assured me that my illness was caused by smoking.

  3. As mentioned, we began seeing outbreaks of diseases that were eradicated decades ago with the arrival of undocumented children, who seeming transmitted the diseases into the public school system. No one seemed to demand answers.
    We see the occasional recall of produce/meat/poultry. Simple fix, just don’t buy that product until the govt issues a clearance.

    Now we have kids dying from “mysterious” illnesses. Are the parents not demanding answers? Or are they silenced by the non-vaxers? And what about parents of school aged kids not yet affected? Is no one demanding answers?

    Back door it if need be…. Betsy Devos, please pick up the White courtesy phone. We have a crisis on our hands.

  4. I honestly do not understand this country anymore. We have all these “new” viruses, outbreaks of diseases we had pretty much eradicated and yet people just accept it.

    Idiots on both sides and those in the middle cry about the poor children except when it comes to American children and the dangers immigrants, especially illegal immigrants pose to American children.

    Public schools want birth certificates and shot records for American children, but open up the doors and welcome illegal kids with open arms who have neither.

    Don’t miss school though or they might handcuff and arrest you in front of the entire school. This just recently happened in Oklahoma, a student had more than 4 absences and was cuffed and detained until the mother signed a citation. Does anyone honestly think schools give a shit they were absent for lack of education? Hell no, they care about the money they miss out, the same reason they’ll allow all the illegal kids to enroll, the more they have, the more money they get. Who the hell cares if those kids must first be taught English and are probably carrying diseased, the almighty government will still send the check.

  5. @MJA December 16, 2018 at 5:08 pm

    > Does science require you to be a liar and a dumb ass?

    Science? Pursued by those with a government title? Purchased from the exact same kiosk that sells government titles in “Intersectional Nonbinary Gender Studies”? Urmmm… maybe.


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