Will Comey Cancel His Book Tour? – IOTW Report

Will Comey Cancel His Book Tour?

Dangerous: Former FBI Director James Comey’s romp across America is off to a rough start, to say the least.

The same day Comey’s tour launched at a Barnes & Noble in New York City, 11 Congressional lawmakers filed a criminal referral against him, calling for his prosecution. During his first book tour appearance, Comey was also confronted by conservative journalist Laura Loomer who took the spotlight away from his talk, billed to be about “ethical leadership,” when she called Comey out for briefing President Trump on a salacious and unverified dossier that was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Speaking on “ethical leadership” after being fired as FBI director, Comey’s book tour initially had him scheduled to speak in ten cities, with 11 officially scheduled appearances. However, with the recent criminal referral filed against him and the release of his redacted memos revealing he leaked classified information, Comey may be cutting the book hustle short or cancelling the tour all together at the guidance of his legal counsel.

If there is one thing seems clear, Comey planned to spend a lot of time talking about himself and bashing President Trump. The liberal and mainstream media has not bothered to hold Comey accountable for his alleged crimes. During his first stop in New York, the press sat unbothered and didn’t care to challenge Comey when it was announced that he would only be taking pre-screened, scripted questions.

Inspired by Loomer’s now notorious confrontation with Comey at the Barnes & Noble store last Wednesday, there is renewed focus online on Comey’s unethical behavior and possible prosecution, leading many to speculate citizen journalists and concerned Americans may show up to do the media’s job for them.

Although the tour has not officially been canceled, Internet chatter shows Loomer’s viral video may have inspired the creation of a “James Comey Ain’t My Homie” book tour, as some are calling it, that will serve as an opportunity for everyday Americans who also want to show up to Comey’s book events to ask the tough questions journalists refuse to. more here

17 Comments on Will Comey Cancel His Book Tour?

  1. I was going to return to this site Friday, or Saturday. I was waiting for everyone to cold down..
    First I want to let everyone in this site that God is my witness,I didn’t write nothing since Sunday. My friend wish he is also my neighbor, text me at lunch and told me that he was upset with what when down and Sunday. I told him I love you friend but I didn’t need you to defend me. I told him I’m not mad at you or no one. This is part of life. Everyone in this site knows that I come Around 5pm or a little later and stop before 8or around their. Because I work Monday- Friday and I have to leave my house before 7:00 am because of the traffic in 495 . I will be responding to that side in a minute. God is my witness I not asking I’m being anyone that lives in my state to pick the place to meet me and please I’m being you to bring a bible. Because I didn’t write that note.

  2. Stretch McFucktard hasn’t tweeted since 4/18, likely on advice from his new high powered attorney. I don’t know what mix of anti-depressants & alcohol that numb-nuts shit for brains took to think he could out bluster Trump, but he’s seriously painted himself into a corner.

    1. He admitted under oath he broke the fucking law as FBI director.

    2. He’s admitted on numerous occasions he broke the fucking law just to screw Trump, as FBI director.

    3. He failed to notice that Trump is actually innocent, and no one can prove otherwise. There was never any real probable cause to suspect Trump of law breaking.

    That arrogant piece of shit Comey is gonna sing like a bird once his balls really get in a vice, and it’s gonna be fucking glorious, because that asshole seemed to think he worked for Obama and Clinton personally, and not the United States fucking government. What a total asshole.

  3. The taller they are, the harder they fall. Hit the road Jimbo, you destroyed a great agency, Granted, you were not alone. But that will be your legacy, a mere foot note in a large history book.

  4. Every penny of book sales will be needed for his losing legal defense. He may be tall but he is still not above the law. I hope McCabe, Comey, and Mueller all get repeatedly ass raped in prison.

  5. It sure is frustrating how slowly the wheels of justice turn. Just indict the whole Obama/Clinton cabal and set the trial date already. The Tree of Liberty is withering.


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