Will Elizabeth Warren be the first to be thrown from the Democrat clown car? – IOTW Report

Will Elizabeth Warren be the first to be thrown from the Democrat clown car?


AT: Elizabeth Warren is not so popular these days.  That’s not a reference to Republicans; it’s among her home state Democrats, in Massachusetts, where a new poll shows she places third.

All that hype and press, and claims to her near invincibility, and not even her homies in deep blue D-Mass. want her unless they can’t get some others.  Here’s what The Hill has on it:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Sunday placed third in a 2020 presidential poll of her home state of Massachusetts, trailing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden.

In a poll of likely Democratic primary voters in the state, 14 percent picked Warren as their preferred Democratic nominee for president.

Sanders led the field with 26 percent of support, followed closely by Biden, who had the support of 23 percent of likely Massachusetts voters.

According to Spencer Kimball, director of Emerson Polling, “This is a concern for Warren who at this time does not have a firewall in her home state, and her rival Sanders has a strong base in the Bay State.”

Well, that’s wretched.  Not even the Massachusetts lefties want her.

Yet let’s not forget how she was marketed by the Democrats with bylines in the mass media, and their assorted allies.  Some earlier headlines:

20 Comments on Will Elizabeth Warren be the first to be thrown from the Democrat clown car?

  1. Among the Democrats running for the candidacy, what exactly is the difference between them? They all seem to represent the same policies, ideals and goals to me.

    Isn’t it going to come down to who can represent them and force them on the rest of America best?

  2. Anonymous, the only difference I can see is that some are younger, and some are pretty old. And the old ones had better hope the DNC doesn’t have campaign Death Panels.

  3. ” And the old ones had better hope the DNC doesn’t have campaign Death Panels.”

    …Why NOT, @Thirdtwin? Laws are for the LITTLE people, so I would expect Death Panels to work the same way…

  4. Hold up…hold up, now…look at me…look at me, folks. I promise, Supernightshade, if you, uhh, like your campaign you can keep your campaign.

  5. It will be interesting to see how many drop out before the first primaries, and how quickly someone surges to the lead once voting starts. Remember, Obama was barely known in 2007.

  6. Phony indian.
    Phony mexican.
    Phony socialist.
    The fag’s a real fag but a phony Christian.
    Phony spartacus.

    The others are just a sort of blurry smear of phony slime.
    Well, REAL slime – phony Americans.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The dumpocraps will not nominate any of their older farts. They’re on a youth movement.

    I think the dumpocraps have a collective woody for Buttiplugger. They’re dreaming of the first faggy president. Of course they are. They have no idea how many people will reject a candidate like that.


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