Will McCabe Bring the FBI Down with Him? – IOTW Report

Will McCabe Bring the FBI Down with Him?

Don’t stop at the FBI. There are still 0bama, Hillary, Adam Schiff, Cher (OK Cher’s not Deep State, she just works my nerves)…

American Thinker:

The DoJ’s rejection of a last-ditch appeal by the legal team representing fired FBI Director Andrew McCabe and the recommendation by federal prosecutors that charges actually be filed against the documented liar, leaker, and co-conspirator in the attempted coup against duly elected President Donald Trump puts the deep state in a face-to-face confrontation with a potential legal Armageddon. An indictment will leave McCabe with no excuse for not carrying out his threat to bring them all down with him.

Before his firing, McCabe sent a shot across  the bow of his co-conspirators in the plots to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison and Donald Trump out of the White House, according to Fox News correspondent Adam Housely in a series of tweets reported by Gateway Pundit at the time of the firing:

Fox News reporter Adam Housley reported on Twitter tonight about the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, stating his sources were telling him that in the past few days McCabe threatened to “take people down with him” if he was fired…

8:31 p.m. PDT: “I am told yesterday McCabe felt the heat and went to try and save his last two days and even told some he would take people down with him if he was fired. So…let’s see what comes of this. I know this…a ton of agents…a ton…were watching this very closely.”


23 Comments on Will McCabe Bring the FBI Down with Him?

  1. I hope McCabe sings like a rat and squeals like a canary.

    Don’t stop at the FBI. There are still 0bama, Hillary, Adam Schiff, Cher (OK Cher’s not Deep State, she just works my nerves)…

    Mine, too. And as for not stopping at the FBI, please please PLEASE don’t forget Brennan and Clapper.

  2. I don’t anticipate anything when it comes to the deep state and government officials, one way or the other.

    I will believe only what I see happening as it happens and not before.

  3. Hillary would like to express her deepest condolences to the McCabe family. Although she did not know the man well she understands the toll an unexpected upcoming suicide/accident/hand of god-freak-event can have on a family. Hillary knows from personal experience that the family will get over this upcoming dark time and would, if the McCabe family would like, have the Foster family be there in support of them when the inevitable happens.

  4. Somebody had the idea to deploy foreign intelligence methods against domestic enemies including the elected US government. To me this smells more like Brennanclapper than Comeymccabe. But just to be sure, give them all fair trials and shoot them.

  5. McCabe needs to be taken into military custody the moment the indictment is served. He needs to be guarded 24/7 directly outside his solitary confinement cell with vetted military personnel & be fed from the same chow line as the rest of the troops with the food & drink brought to him to prevent any type of Arkancide from taking place. This, if he decides to actually bring others down with him, will actually take place when he testifies.

  6. The Hillary team expressed their sorrow when the news reached them of his suicide. Because of his expert training by the FBI he was able to place 3 rounds from his sidearm in a tight group behind his right ear.

  7. “Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend. It can be so, sometimes.”
    – JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …also, this…

    “It is difficult with these evil folk to know when they are in league, and when they are cheating one another.’

  8. ^^^Mordor sure shares a lot with the Democrat Party, right down to having a Dark Lord who is the terror of his land and yet only himself a servant of a MUCH more evil power, and a venomous old female spider lurking in the darkness, devouring who she traps in her webs, but for all her murders she’s never able to do more than amuse the Dark Lord instead of devouring the World as she would like, which only angers her more…

    …although, to judge by the DNC “Debates”, THEIR Dark Lord has a FUCKTON more Nazgul than Sauron ever could have imagined, but quantity certainly is not quality…


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