Will New Census And Party Leaders Make AOC Lose Her Congressional District? – IOTW Report

Will New Census And Party Leaders Make AOC Lose Her Congressional District?

The Lid: Based on the latest census projections, New York State may lose one congressional district, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fears the district that goes away will be hers. AOC lose Congressional district

The horror. 😉 A0C Fears Losing Seat Due to 2020 Census.

The Potential Loss of A0C’s District Highlights Why Democrats Fumed Over Trump’s Proposed 2020 Census Changes https://t.co/7xQu3sdo4K

— Junkyard Dogs (@baileyjer) January 1, 2020

Nothing is official yet. The Census Bureau will announce the final count in December 2020, and the congressional districts will be updated for the 2022 elections.

Party leadership is not happy with AOC, which is why her district is in danger. more

14 Comments on Will New Census And Party Leaders Make AOC Lose Her Congressional District?

  1. “Party leadership is not happy with AOC…”

    …It’s not that they disagree with her, it’s just that she doesn’t LIE about it like THEY do, and if there’s ONE thing the Democrat party could not survive, it’s honesty…

  2. andoneinthechamber
    JANUARY 2, 2020 AT 8:14 AM
    “2022 aoc will be elsewhere by then anyway.”

    …hopefully she’ll be swinging from a rope on a street light by this time next year…

    …pro tip…when it DOES come time to start serving REAL Justice to Democrats in NY, do NOT use the local wind turbines for gallows poles, as a previous article pointed out that (like MOST things built by Liberal governments) they’re not all that sturdy…and we don’t want ANY getting away…


  3. What OAC really fears is that she will have to go back to bartending. Her cushy job on the backs of taxpayers will go bye-bye. This is the best thing that could happen! California is losing a seat due to the mass exodus of residents! YAH!!!! It isn’t in my district either! Double YAH! My district voted for Trump and will do so again in 2020.

  4. “Her cushy job on the backs of taxpayers will go bye-bye.”

    I believe she already got some $10 Million in book deals or something (purchasing influence on the sly).
    Politics is the gift that keeps on giving!

    And if she loses her seat, she’ll just take it on the road, like Romney, Pelosi, Waters, and the Kennedys did.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I saw the associated video yesterday and couldn’t help but think it was click-bait.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne


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