Will Oregon Elect A Republican Governor? – IOTW Report

Will Oregon Elect A Republican Governor?

DC: Oregon Could Elect Its First Republican Governor In Nearly Four Decades.

Oregon voters are on the cusp of putting a Republican in the state governor’s mansion for the first time in nearly 40 years. Such a move would break convention and shift a reliably blue state into a win for the GOP.

Many Oregonians and some conservative critics believe Democratic Gov. Kate Brown has not moved forcefully enough to close a yawning $22 billion public pension deficit. So, they’re looking at Brown’s opponent Knute Buehler, a two-term representative in the state who has criticized President Donald Trump in the past. His moderate tone is gaining some steam.

“This is the first candidate I’m crossing party lines for in 20 years,” Danielle Miller, a mortgage loan officer who voted for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016, told The Wall Street Journal Sunday. “Oregon is so behind in so many ways … under our current leadership.”

Oregon would join the handful of states Clinton won in 2016 that have Republican governors. The race is still tight, with recent polls showing Brown ahead by less than 5 percentage points. RealClearPolitics, Cook Political Report, and other polling outfits are rating the race a “toss up.”

Brown, meanwhile, was appointed in 2015 after her predecessor John Kitzhaber resigned amid an ethics scandal. She was elected on her own merit with 51 percent of the vote in 2016, but a school funding crisis, the state’s chronic homelessness, and high taxes are threatening to overcome her liberal pedigree.

“People in this state are getting tired, especially urban, educated well-to-do people,” Elliott Moore, a lifelong Democrat who plans to vote for Buehler, told reporters. “He’s not perfect but I think he is willing to have a conversation about what we need to fix in this state that wasn’t being had.”  read more

14 Comments on Will Oregon Elect A Republican Governor?

  1. Burgers and Butter by Better Management

    Time for a Change. . .
    The Oregon Department of Human Services said tests showed that 23 Oregon residents had matching DNA patterns of the salmonella braenderup strain. Two hospitalized, said the news service.

    . . .so, what you eat does affect and or alter DNA.

    Ask what Lizzy ate, here.

  2. We’ll do what we can. But there’s a report that ballots were found dumped on “Federal Land” in Central Oregon. Probably not random ballots. I have not seen many “KATE” campaign signs around. But lots of “KNUTE” signs everywhere. Especially in Central Oregon. We’ll see in a week. Oregonian newspaper endorsed Knute. Pretty weird, I know.


  3. Many Oregonians and some conservative critics believe Democratic Gov. Kate Brown has not moved forcefully enough to close a yawning $22 billion public pension deficit.

    They just want a Republican in the Governor’s chair when it all goes flooey.

  4. He is a modern day Republican. In other words, Democrat lite. Pro choice, and too cool for Trump. I’ll be voting for him to get the Rainbow Nut out of the governors office, and hoping that someone more conservative will get inspired for the next round.

  5. Nope, they just want a Republican to go begging to DC to get money to close the pension gap and continue to fund Oregon’s other liberal projects. Well, fuck em. It would sure be an object lesson if on election day assuming this RINO won, he got up for his acceptance speech and layed into the crowd and those watching on TV about true conservative values then just quit.

  6. Democrats are not just Liberals, they are Communists. Anti-Constitution. Anti-Christian. Anti-Life. Anti-Morality. Anti-American. Forcing Racial hatred. Pro-Enslavement with absolute control of the people by police state control. The underlying power of Communists is the genocide of dissidents as in Stalin’s 60 million crucified Russians. Kate Brown is a legally corrupt official sanctioning no limits abortions. Allowing Oregon to be a sanctuary for law-breakers. Allowing the murder of an innocent citizen (Lavoy Finicum). Refusing to protect the US border from criminal illegal invaders by not allowing the Oregon National Guard to respond to the present national emergency. If this election were not being rigged by possible fraud, Brown would be out. And probably so would be Defazio, a DemocRat long-timer in Congress.


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