Will San Bernardino County secede from California? – IOTW Report

Will San Bernardino County secede from California?

Voters may have a say in November.


A measure that would allow San Bernardino County supervisors to explore secession from the state of California could be put to county voters in November.

The Board of Supervisors approved the ballot measure at a meeting Wednesday night after the issue had been raised at several board meetings. Wednesday’s vote was the first step in adding the measure to the ballot, to be followed by a second and final reading and vote scheduled for next week.

“Do the citizens of San Bernardino County want the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors to study all options to obtain its fair share of state and federal resources, up to and including secession?” the proposed measure reads. Voters would select yes or no.

Even if approved by voters, the county’s secession from California, whether to become its own state or to become a part of a neighboring state, is extremely unlikely. The move would need to be approved by state legislators, Congress, the Senate and, eventually, the president. more here

23 Comments on Will San Bernardino County secede from California?

  1. Put this on the list, #627, of things to do when the GOP gets the levers of power in D.C.

    In keeping with the spirit of Jefferson,”That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”, I’m all for these flexing postures but fear they are nothing but empty sops designed more to placate then reform.

  2. I’m in Riverside, CA, right next door to San Bernardino. It will certainly make an impact to the Inland Empire. There are many entities that cross the county borders.
    If we could encourage Orange, San Diego and Imperial counties, we could make a state that has beaches, mountains, deserts, and an international border!
    California, here we go!

  3. There is only one group of f-heads that talk like this. If you don’t like America LEAVE. Get the f out today! Will go absolutely nowhere. If some stupid ass thinks this is simply up to a voter referendum, dream on loser.

  4. @ Anonymous

    Do you give that same lazy advice to all the leftists that badmouth America, that think we are systemically racists, colonizers, conquerors, and spreaders of pandemics to all the indigenous?

    An essential part of being “American” is the ability to criticize, reform, and shape that same government that they gave consent to, consent that can be revoked for cause, to criticize without pinheads getting all chesty and telling them to leave if they don’t like the current statue quo.

  5. Lazy? Gave it more thought then they did. Someone could not come with a more foolhardy suggestion.
    Of course look at there past, thats right they are on a road to nowhere.

  6. There’s a new term in California for describing the majority of the geography. Red California. When the L. A. Times starts using it you know it’s been accepted. Red California scares the shit out of Blue California. And it’s getting worse. El Dorado, Placer, Sierra, Humbolt, Butte, Shasta, etc, etc, counties pay little attention to Sacramento’s bull shit laws. Most people have never heard the story of a Redding Militia throwing that cities town council out and filling those positions with their own. The media sure as hell doesn’t want that story spread. What caused that armed insurrection? Fucking Newsoms COVID restrictions. Look it up. It happened. Redding is not a small city. Things are getting heated. The fire near Yreka really has people pissed. Who caused that? In the long run the Sierra Club and Libtard judges.

  7. Well, as I said in my first comment, I think this is more a ploy to obtain more government services than a serious delve into actual secession.

    But it speaks to the more general point that a conflagration is stirring. Millions of honest folk who have about had it with the direction the country is headed, feel they are NOT adequately represented by the current crop of opportunists in D.C. and want a more moral, fiscally responsible, less intrusive government. And feel that the ballot box is not adequate for their needs.

  8. Tried that. It was called the Civil war. That was leftist that stopped that right ,tighty. See everyone that doesn’t agree with are either Rinos of leftist right cultist.

  9. Unfortunately it will never happen. The voters can approve it, but the stae and federal legislatures also have approve it. There is no way the Dems will let a guaranteed 55 electoral votes be diminished.

  10. its their bed- they made it, so now they have to stay in it.
    Not only would it lead to balkanization of our country, and if they were to become a state, they would get two senators and at least one representative. Packing congress instead of the SC.
    If they do something like this, they should be declared a District, like DC.
    screw california politics anyway

  11. @Rich Taylor August 7, 2022 at 1:58 pm

    > government that they gave consent to

    And, for those that did not “consent”? For those few, “those happy few”, who… even… explicitly… denied “consent”?

    > consent that can be revoked for cause

    Now… you’re just being silly.

    Look… I get it. I do. Card carrying NAMBLA members, all, have stories about the Utopia that “we” could, all, have. If we’d just let them rape, all, the little boys. If we’d just “consent”.

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