Will The EPA Fine Itself For Contaminating A River? – IOTW Report

Will The EPA Fine Itself For Contaminating A River?

While the EPA was fretting over your grill emissions, they contaminated a Colorado river.

animas river EPA contamination

MichelleMalkin- Coming hot on the heels of President Obama’s announcement of his “Clean Power Plan” that, if it holds up, will make the EPA even more involved in our daily lives, is this bit of epic bureaucratic eco-bumbling:

A spill that sent 1 million gallons of wastewater from an abandoned mine into the Animas River, turning the river orange, set off warnings Thursday that contaminants threaten water quality for those downstream.

The Environmental Protection Agency confirmed it triggered the spill while using heavy machinery to investigate pollutants at the Gold King Mine, north of Silverton. MORE

10 Comments on Will The EPA Fine Itself For Contaminating A River?

  1. I teach an EPA-mandated class for contractors. They send me a test. Question 20 has a wrong answer. It’s cut and dry.

    I assumed that, over the five years the EPA has been in charge of this, they might have issued a new set of power points fixing the illiteracies, the typos, but, no.

    I assumed they fixed the test question.

    Recently, because of a computer change I wanted a new set of tests from them. Their contractor sent them, promptly — with question 20 unchanged, wrong. I phoned. Contractor said, “We just do what the EPA asks….. no more….. Have to call the EPA.”

    So. I called my EPA-assigned person (who works out of her home three days a week. ….smile.) It’s been three weeks.

    Theodore is *so* above the fray. I wish I could be:


    …Lady in Red

  2. Fed agencies exempt themselves from their own regulations. So do state agencies. From their own and Fed rules.

    I didn’t surmise this, had it explained to me by a supervisor at the Georgia DOT.

    They were building a boat ramp (nice one!) about a quarter mile upstream on a river where my company had removed and replaced a pipeline that crossed the river bottom two years before. We had to have the backhoes steam cleaned, silt booms and curtains placed in the river, erosion control out the ass on the banks.

    Tens of thousands of dollars not counting the 100K plus environmental impact study that took months.

    The state just drove a huge backhoe into the river and clawed the banks down. Sent all the dirt downstream so they wouldn’t have to haul it off.

    I was watching this, fascinated. So I asked the boss on site about that. He replied, “Nah, we don’t have to do all that shit you guys do.”

  3. And “all that shit” got turbocharged by the opportunist communists that have always hated this country.

    Never forget all those hollow-points they bought for themselves.

  4. This is no different than the Veteran’s Administration.
    If a private company were as incompetent and corrupt as the VA, people would be in jail. Instead, more money is pumped into the VA, but the incompetency and corruption continue.

  5. I worked for the same gov’t outfit for over 36 yrs. and we got sued, fined, &c., and the taxpayers ALWAYS took the hit.

    Discrimination suits – settled in or out of court – taxpayers got fucked.

    Environmental suites – settled in or out of court – taxpayers got fucked.

    No agency head, or perpetrator, ever lost a single penny. No penalty. No punishment. Usually promotion, to get rid of it.

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