Will the Mueller Switch Project Collapse? – IOTW Report

Will the Mueller Switch Project Collapse?

Powerline: The sentencing of General Michael Flynn could turn out to be the Waterloo of the Mueller Switch Project. The feds never could have convicted Flynn of perjury or lying to government officials–they don’t even have a transcript of what he said to the FBI! As a criminal case, it was always a non-starter. The Justice Department initially had no intention of prosecuting. But then, after Robert Mueller took over the case, Flynn was squeezed into a single guilty plea by the threat of personal bankruptcy. As Byron York asks, what changed?

Mueller’s team is now saying that General Flynn needn’t go to prison–the equivalent of “oops, never mind”–and it appears that Judge Emmet Sullivan may be on to Mueller. We will soon find out.

Meanwhile, even NPR has noticed that the Democrats’ beloved Russia collusion conspiracy theory has fallen apart:  MORE

6 Comments on Will the Mueller Switch Project Collapse?

  1. In a different sense, I really do NOT want the Russia Collusion investigation to fall apart. Instead, I want to see the target of the investigation moved to where it belongs: the Clintons, their foundation, the DNC and their lawyers at Perkins Coie and the sleazy subcontractors Fusion GPS, and the DOJ/FBI bosses who supported the information flow through the NSA’s foreign intelligence surveillance data.

  2. The Muller’s “Trump” Russia Collusion investigation needs to crash and burn and a new “Clinton’s” Russia Collusion investigation needs a new prosecutor to start 2019 off with the loud clang of jail cell doors.


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