Will the Senate GOP Allow Islamists to Drag Us Into Their Fight With China? – IOTW Report

Will the Senate GOP Allow Islamists to Drag Us Into Their Fight With China?

Both of them are enemies of the United States. And there’s no reason for us to side with either one.


FPM: The Senate is stewing with resolutions that are little more than Islamist wish lists. Last year they were aimed at defending Qatar, a key sponsor of the Muslim Brotherhood, over a blockade imposed on it by the Saudis, defending Qatari terror lobbyist Jamal Khashoggi, and demanding that the United States and the Saudis stop bombing Iran’s Houthi terrorists whose motto is, “Death to America”.

These resolutions were meant to pressure President Trump into reversing his policies and letting Islamist lobbyists set the foreign policy agenda for the United States the way they had under Obama. They disregarded basic facts, such as Khashoggi’s politics, Qatar’s support for terrorism and the Houthis causing the famine in Yemen by ransacking food aid, and instead repeated Islamist propaganda.

They were backed by the usual Senate suspects, Bob Corker, Lindsey Graham and Bernie Sanders.

Now some Senate Republicans are pushing another terrible idea from the Islamist lobby, the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019. The legislation targets China’s crackdown on Islamic separatist terror.

China’s response to Islamic terrorism has been blunt and ruthless. In response to brutal Muslim terrorist attacks inside its borders and a terror force of tens of thousands of Islamic Turkestani separatists in Syria, it has reportedly forced Muslims to violate Ramadan, eat pork and drink alcohol. Mosques have been shut down and Islamic leaders have been detained. Some appear to have died in police custody.

That is how Communist regimes do business.

But Senate Republicans appear far less interested in China’s crackdown on Christians, Tibetans or any of China’s many other ethnic or religious non-Muslim minorities who are innocent victims of Communism.  more here

12 Comments on Will the Senate GOP Allow Islamists to Drag Us Into Their Fight With China?

  1. The Senate GOP should be concerned for the business of the President and the people they are to serve.
    Resolutions are non-binding and are as meaningless as the GOP Senators themselves.
    Do the people’s business, what China does to thwart terrorism in China is not the business of the Senate, other than it may be something to consider here.

  2. Somebody ought to take Graham out back and explain that he’s been doing a great job up to now but not to fuck it up with telling the Chinese how to deal with their own Muslim problem. After all there are plenty of KTel doorknob exercisers out their with his name on them.

  3. No True Republican has ever seen a (“not a”) war they couldn’t turn a buck on. And turning a buck is the (Republican) American prayer. Besides, a few (tens of) thousand dead Americans, while being tragic (Tragic! they hire someone to say!) it will not be in vain. Frees up vacant “citizen” slots for the (“no, it’s not an amnesty”) already here, just “differently documented” new citizens. Which lowers the numbers (that can, then, be refilled, without causing “an increase”) of “differently documented” “guest workers”. Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Look at all those angels get their wings!

  4. Lemme guess…. Graham, Rubio, Cotton, Kinzinger for starters.
    By golly, they’ll sure pony up to fight and protect arabs, but hide in the corner when it comes to fighting the dems yo secure border and protect our citizens.

    Not. One. More. Drop. Of. Blood. spilled over these heathens.


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