Will the War Against Parental Choice Ever End? – IOTW Report

Will the War Against Parental Choice Ever End?

SomewhatReasonable: No matter how many courts have rejected their pleadings, enemies of school choice appear committed to a 100-year-long judicial war in quest of some ultimate edict that will keep American students forever captive in government schools.

Consider that blunderbuss of a lawsuit in Florida that began in 2009 with an effort by activists led by the Southern Legal Counsel to persuade the state judiciary to declare the Sunshine State’s school system in violation of a state constitutional requirement “to make adequate provision for the education of all children residing within its borders.” (Citizens for Strong Schools v. Florida State Board of Education.)

In 2014, as if to throw every possible allegation against the wall with the hope something would stick, the “adequacy” litigants added the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and the McKay Scholarship for Pupils with Disabilities to their challenge, along with charter schools, teacher evaluation and even testing. Specifically, they sought to demonize the parental-choice programs as drains on The One True System: failing, traditional public education.

On May 24, Leon County Circuit Court Judge George Reynolds rejected all charges in a 29-page opinion supplemented by 200 pages of documentation. The judge found private-choice innovations — far from being a fiscal diversion — have been an integral part of Florida’s educational progress in recent years. more

4 Comments on Will the War Against Parental Choice Ever End?

  1. The per-pupil cost formula as determined by each state to educate a child for a year should be designated to the parents of each child to spend as they determine on their child’s education! Public, private or home schooling the parents decide and can use the funds from their education account!

  2. I know a lot of public school teachers. 10 years ago or so, they were against school choice because it could have affected their jobs, and they voted for job protection. But now, as more and more edicts come down from the public education bureaucracy, many of these teacher are beginning to look at school choice as a viable, and often desireable alternative. The teaching profession has changed, and now otherwise competent teachers are being told what to teach and how to teach it – no deviation or alternative viewpoints allowed.

    We do have school choice – if you can afford it. And the elites do clearly tell the public that school choice is great because they send their own kids to choice schools; they vote with their own money. But it is like anything else – the elites do not want the riff raff competing with their children, and it is more important to erect barriers to entry than provide equal opportunity.

  3. The government can’t have somebody interfering with their indoctrination programs.

    A 70-year-old grandmother in Pine Bluff was just arrested for using a switch on her granddaughter because she kept talking back.

    This happened in the city with the highest crime rate in Arkansas. Yet, the 70-year-old grandmother who was trying to correct a troublesome kid is seen as the threat to society. So what if the kid grows up to be a crack whore or bank robber, granny’s going to the slammer.


  4. The Left is pro-choice if you want to kill your unborn child, but they are against choice if you want to educate your child.

    To call the Left out as lower than whale sh!t is to insult both whales and sh!t.

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