Will Theresa May be replaced? – IOTW Report

Will Theresa May be replaced?

 Theresa May took an enormous gamble calling a snap general election.

The Heritage Foundation’s Nile Gardiner on the U.K. election and its impact on Brexit.  Video

12 Comments on Will Theresa May be replaced?

  1. It really doesn’t matter who the PM is at this
    point. The morons have accepted an invasion, and
    they are doomed.
    I look to see the regular Bobbies being armed with
    firearms in the near future.

    So solly, you’z are phucked morons.

  2. I don’t know enough about British sentiment and politics to offer any opinion worth considering but I do wonder why Nigel Farage hasn’t been embraced by the British voters.

    He represents the average Joe and he’s a great speaker and communicator.

    He has said he’s going to consider returning to lead the UKIP party that picked up not one seat in the last election.

  3. The only good thing that came out of this disaster was the rout of the Scottish National Party. The Tories regained seats in many former Labour strongholds, and Scottish Independence is no longer a possibility for the foreseeable future. However, the Tory conservatives won’t be able to govern without the very conservative Northern Irish Union Party, and they are opposed to same sexual marriage. This wouldn’t be a big problem, except that the female leader of the Scottish Tory Party is engaged to her Lady Lover, and she doesn’t want to be part of that particular union. May is hanging by a thread. She’s no Thatcher. Oh, the Humanity!

  4. Doesn’t matter. Theresa May is a “conservative” but in GB that means she’s a socialist but not quite a full communist. All of them are globalists. It will take a massive terror attack to wake people up.

  5. geoff: Almost all of the Islamic terrorism has been in London and a few other large cities. Soon, the Mohammedans will realize it’s easier to pull this act in the smaller cities and towns. One day, they will decide to jump crazy in some famous tourist locations. Stonehenge? Hastings? Stratford on Avon? Who knows where these animals will hit next? On the other hand, Ireland is a beautiful, peaceful place full of wonderful people and great grog and scenery. And the IRA are no longer terrorists. Enjoy your trip to the British Isles without the British.

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