16 Comments on Will White Men Will Ever Trust the Democrat Party Again?
…the weird thing is, this distrust should be endemic to BLACK people, too.
After all, its the Democrats who brought them here as slaves, and has been KEEPING them as slaves of one kind or another ever since…
He’s right, however in my lifetime, locally I’ve only seen one Democrat change to Republican. Most Democrats will vote Republican but they will never leave their party.
…there’s an old joke that may apply here…
A Democrat politician went visiting families in Arkansas one day, and stopped at a house with a large family of older children there at the same time. He asked the father, “Are all these young men your kids”, “Ayup”, the father said, “All seven of them”. “And all good Democrats like yourself, I suppose?”, the politician enquired. “Whelp, all but Seth over there. That onery cuss, he done learnt himself some readin'”
I am a white male nearly 72 and I haven’t voted for a democrap since 1984 when I was 31. My son who is in his early 40’s has never voted for a democrap. The democrap party lost me when I realized that they hated God, hated white people, were totally pro-abortion, for gay rights, environmental weenies and hated America and everything good about our founding under Judeo-Christian principles. I am a conservative but not necessarily a Republican. Reading Russell Kirk, Francis Schaeffer and others have healthily shaped my worldview towards a conservative philosophy of life as an American over the past 40 years.
Dems; “If it was good enuff for grandpa and FDR it’s good enuff for me.”
Any attempt by the Democrats to win back men in general would be seen as disingenuous. And if Republicans aren’t careful, then their “man up” campaign toward men to just shut up and get married when it is a setup at best is going to backfire against them as well.
Feminism must be dealt with by the left AND the right.
The reason they weakened and redefined “men” was so they could own them with fear after they made it so they couldnt take care of themselves.
” However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. ”
Farewell Address | Saturday, September 17, 1796
George Washington
End them all
Only if they’re faggots, trannies, or kiddie rapers.
Considering the Democrat Elite have not yanked Fetterman’s leash and reigned him in with his criticism of the Democrat Party’s policies, it may be they are setting him up for a leadership role within the Party in order to regain some votes, OR, Fetterman is readying himself to switch Parties.
I’m a white male and I don’t trust EITHER party.
Both parties contain politicians – and that should make everyone cautious of putting up his trust.
Sadly, I think we’ll find that President Trump is an anomaly.
The Demonrats are clearly the Party of Hate-America, Hate-Whitey, Hate-God, Hate-Civilization, Hate-Negroes, and Hate-Themselves but the Republicans, while not so obviously subscribing to a Satanic, negative philosophy, are so used to lying, conniving, and disguising their intentions that I have no idea what they actually stand for or believe.
Think about it – the same party that embraces President Trump is also the party of Mittens, McConnell, Cheney, and that POS from Maine whose name presently escapes me.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Oh, yeah, and the poor dear negroes – how do they stay loyal to the demonrats when they can look at their cities and see the results of a century of demonrat rule? Do they really believe that the present demonrat Plantation is that much better than the demonrat Plantations some of their ancestors lived on antebellum?
Is there any city in America that can honestly claim to be a better place to live than it was in … say … 1950?
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
the last demorat i voted for was jimmy the carter. I learned through that experience the the demorats were a party of evil liars . they stand for every evil perversion on earth. I will never vote for any of them ever.
Not sure why ANYONE of ANY RACE trusts EITHER of the two worthless major parties at this point. Of course we are NOT ALLOWED any other choices, so they continue to get votes, but “trust”…LOL
Elizabeth (Poke my honus) Warren was visiting a reservation talking to the chief of the tribe. Trying her best to smooth over the Indian ancestry thing and asked the chief…
Isn’t there something i can do for by way of reparations and helping your tribe?
Well, we have this up to date modern medical center but insufficient coverage with only ONE DOCTOR on staff.
She immediately gets on her cell phone yelling into it for two minutes, gets off the call and says, “You’ll have a staff of additionally six more physicians here on Monday. Anything else?”
Well the tribal law enforcement agency is lacking in vehicles and hardware, could you help there?
She again gets on the phone for a little over four minutes, hangs up and says, Also, come Monday a new fleet of six vehicles and hardware to outfit ten officers will be here. Anything else?”
Well, we have absolutely no cell phone coverage here. Can you fix that?
I’m a newly minted 65 year old white boy, and I have NEVER voted for a Democrat.
…the weird thing is, this distrust should be endemic to BLACK people, too.
After all, its the Democrats who brought them here as slaves, and has been KEEPING them as slaves of one kind or another ever since…
He’s right, however in my lifetime, locally I’ve only seen one Democrat change to Republican. Most Democrats will vote Republican but they will never leave their party.
…there’s an old joke that may apply here…
A Democrat politician went visiting families in Arkansas one day, and stopped at a house with a large family of older children there at the same time. He asked the father, “Are all these young men your kids”, “Ayup”, the father said, “All seven of them”. “And all good Democrats like yourself, I suppose?”, the politician enquired. “Whelp, all but Seth over there. That onery cuss, he done learnt himself some readin'”
I am a white male nearly 72 and I haven’t voted for a democrap since 1984 when I was 31. My son who is in his early 40’s has never voted for a democrap. The democrap party lost me when I realized that they hated God, hated white people, were totally pro-abortion, for gay rights, environmental weenies and hated America and everything good about our founding under Judeo-Christian principles. I am a conservative but not necessarily a Republican. Reading Russell Kirk, Francis Schaeffer and others have healthily shaped my worldview towards a conservative philosophy of life as an American over the past 40 years.
Dems; “If it was good enuff for grandpa and FDR it’s good enuff for me.”
Any attempt by the Democrats to win back men in general would be seen as disingenuous. And if Republicans aren’t careful, then their “man up” campaign toward men to just shut up and get married when it is a setup at best is going to backfire against them as well.
Feminism must be dealt with by the left AND the right.
The reason they weakened and redefined “men” was so they could own them with fear after they made it so they couldnt take care of themselves.
THOSE votes will be Democrat forever.
The answer was in the founding::
” However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. ”
Farewell Address | Saturday, September 17, 1796
George Washington
End them all
Only if they’re faggots, trannies, or kiddie rapers.
Considering the Democrat Elite have not yanked Fetterman’s leash and reigned him in with his criticism of the Democrat Party’s policies, it may be they are setting him up for a leadership role within the Party in order to regain some votes, OR, Fetterman is readying himself to switch Parties.
I’m a white male and I don’t trust EITHER party.
Both parties contain politicians – and that should make everyone cautious of putting up his trust.
Sadly, I think we’ll find that President Trump is an anomaly.
The Demonrats are clearly the Party of Hate-America, Hate-Whitey, Hate-God, Hate-Civilization, Hate-Negroes, and Hate-Themselves but the Republicans, while not so obviously subscribing to a Satanic, negative philosophy, are so used to lying, conniving, and disguising their intentions that I have no idea what they actually stand for or believe.
Think about it – the same party that embraces President Trump is also the party of Mittens, McConnell, Cheney, and that POS from Maine whose name presently escapes me.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Oh, yeah, and the poor dear negroes – how do they stay loyal to the demonrats when they can look at their cities and see the results of a century of demonrat rule? Do they really believe that the present demonrat Plantation is that much better than the demonrat Plantations some of their ancestors lived on antebellum?
Is there any city in America that can honestly claim to be a better place to live than it was in … say … 1950?
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
the last demorat i voted for was jimmy the carter. I learned through that experience the the demorats were a party of evil liars . they stand for every evil perversion on earth. I will never vote for any of them ever.
Not sure why ANYONE of ANY RACE trusts EITHER of the two worthless major parties at this point. Of course we are NOT ALLOWED any other choices, so they continue to get votes, but “trust”…LOL
Elizabeth (Poke my honus) Warren was visiting a reservation talking to the chief of the tribe. Trying her best to smooth over the Indian ancestry thing and asked the chief…
Isn’t there something i can do for by way of reparations and helping your tribe?
Well, we have this up to date modern medical center but insufficient coverage with only ONE DOCTOR on staff.
She immediately gets on her cell phone yelling into it for two minutes, gets off the call and says, “You’ll have a staff of additionally six more physicians here on Monday. Anything else?”
Well the tribal law enforcement agency is lacking in vehicles and hardware, could you help there?
She again gets on the phone for a little over four minutes, hangs up and says, Also, come Monday a new fleet of six vehicles and hardware to outfit ten officers will be here. Anything else?”
Well, we have absolutely no cell phone coverage here. Can you fix that?
I’m a newly minted 65 year old white boy, and I have NEVER voted for a Democrat.