Will you look at the size of that crack? – IOTW Report

Will you look at the size of that crack?

CSM: Only 12 miles connect massive ice chunk to Antarctic shelf.

A giant rift in the Larsen C ice shelf has advanced more than 6 miles since January 1st, the MIDAS project announced on Friday.


What might become one of the largest icebergs ever hangs by a thread from Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf.

The vast rift has grown more than 6 miles longer since January 1, leaving an area reportedly the size of Delaware connected to the main shelf by a mere 10 percent of the total length, the British MIDAS project announced Thursday. Its loss threatens to destabilize the fourth-largest Antarctic ice shelf.

When exactly that will be is unknowable, according to project leader and Swansea University glaciologist Adrian Luckman: “Although you might expect any extension to hasten the point of calving, it actually remains impossible to predict when it will break because the fracture process is so complex,” he told BBC News. “My feeling is that this new development suggests something will happen within weeks to months, but there is an outside chance that further growth will be slow for longer than that.”

12 Comments on Will you look at the size of that crack?

  1. The scrunt is GONE! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

    As for the crack, is that because we’ve had
    the hottest year EVAH according to nasa, the
    former space agency?

    Defund nasa. Make space exploration great

  2. Summer solstice in the southern hemisphere occurred a month ago, which means summer is waning down there. Probably fast! The “climate experts” never seem to mention that the Earth is three million miles closer to ole Sol in December than it is in June. Maybe they don’t know.

    Most likely that crack will freeze shut again. The one in the ice. I don’t even want speculate about the future of the other one.

  3. So the ice shelf is “calving”. That is because more ice is being built up on shore which squeezes the ice off into the ocean. Didn’t see that explanation anywhere in the article.

  4. From The Enviro-Wackos: “Oh, nooooooooos! Da Antarctic ice is falling off! We’re doooooooomed!”

    Okay, Lefties. Mix in some physics. The reason this ice is being pushed into the ocean is because of…. more ice shoving it there. This is timeless. It’s been going on forever. It takes a long time to evolve from snowflake (like YOU) to rogue iceberg (like ME), and it is occurring literally at a GLACIAL pace!!!

  5. Let me guess – Worst Case Scenario – some frozen water is falls into some non-frozen water?
    And I’m supposed to give a shit?
    Why, exactly?

    Just an experiment: (for non-scientists) take a glass – fill it with ice (up to the tippy-top) now add water (again, up to the tippy-top).
    Watch it (the ice) melt.
    Record your observations.
    The water won’t run over the top of the glass (condensation on the sides may fool the truly, profoundly ignorant) but the water level will actually DECREASE.
    (water is at its densest around 4C and ice is ~10% less dense than water)

    So – again – who gives a fuck?

    izlamo delenda est …

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