Will you please stop eating your ‘Hate Chicken’ so ‘spitefully’? – IOTW Report

Will you please stop eating your ‘Hate Chicken’ so ‘spitefully’?

PJM: Writer Freaks Out Over People Eating Delicious Chick-fil-A: ‘They’re Eating Fried Chicken SPITEFULLY!’

A Canadian publication, The Star, has printed an unintentionally hilarious editorial by a very disgruntled LGBTQWTF writer, Andrew Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler is very upset. His outrage and dismay have been caused by your love of delicious chicken from Chick-fil-A. How dare you??? In an essay entitled “Chick-fil-A is ideologically opposed to my existence,” Wheeler rails against the insensitivity of people who love chicken and waffle fries because it hurts his feelings, or something. read more

24 Comments on Will you please stop eating your ‘Hate Chicken’ so ‘spitefully’?

  1. How do you eat chicken spitefully? And do you wash it down with a Colt 45 and some watermelon just for effect. The left is absolutely bonkers and totally nuts, they can’t be grateful for anything including eating chicken at Chick-Fil-A. Maybe it’s their employees saying “My pleasure” that really pisses them off.

  2. Is it some sort of gay rite of passage to denounce Chik-Fil-A? It used to be Cracker Barrel. You people would probably hate Stuckey’s, too. Good thing they’re gone and safe from you. Now get on up the road to the bushes behind the Rest Stop.

  3. How can a sane person claim that Chick Fil A “ideologically denies my existence.” If that were true, when we walked into a Chick Fil A, they wouldn’t see him, serve him, address him, take his order, or make him food. Has he tested his little theory?

  4. This. Had this very bullshit done to me on social media because I dared to post that the kids jumped into the car after practice begging to go get some Jesus Chikken… I thought it was funny. Then got lambasted by a former hugh school friend whose daughter is now her son for marginalizing him by supporting them so vocally.

    I am not a puppet, so please don’t try to shove your hand up my backside and make me say your words.


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