Willie Brown Admits He Boosted Kamala Harris’ Career – IOTW Report

Willie Brown Admits He Boosted Kamala Harris’ Career


Influential California Democrat had extramarital relationship with Harris in 1990s.

Former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown broke his silence on his relationship with Democratic senator Kamala Harris on Saturday, admitting in his weekly column that he used his powerful post to boost her young career when they dated.

Brown, who was openly in an extramarital relationship with Harris when he was speaker of the California State Assembly and running for mayor, had avoided commenting on his relationship with Harris since she announced her run for president a week ago. Harris has also managed to avoid addressing the role Brown played in the early stages of her political career.

In his weekly San Francisco Chronicle column, however, Brown referred to it as the “elephant in the room” and acknowledged that he used his position to help her career.

“I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my ‘relationship’ with Kamala Harris, most of which I have not returned,” Brown wrote. “Yes, we dated.”  more

18 Comments on Willie Brown Admits He Boosted Kamala Harris’ Career

  1. So when you’re cheating on your wife it called “dating” now?
    And when you claim to have some African-American in you, having had sex with Willie Brown doesn’t count.

  2. @Tony R- “…“yesterday’s news””

    ‘we already covered that.’ That is what they will try to do. They want to get it out of the way now.
    She has a morality that is unacceptable to the vast majority of the American voters, and it is certainly unacceptable for a President. She cheated and lied about that then, and who knows what she is up to now.
    Also in ‘yesterday’s news,’ that they really don’t want to talk about, is that she is an anchor baby, mostly raised in Canada. At the time of her birth, neither parent was a citizen. I don’t think there is any tangible proof that her mother ever naturalized as a US citizen.

  3. Like I’ve said before and even got thrown in face book jail for it…

    The only reason she got to where she is was because she sucked little Willie Brown’s little brown willie!

  4. There’s no polite way to put this:

    Harris has no remarkable intelligence or talents, and she has achieved success only by fucking anybody who was in a position to help her. That fucking started out literally, and has now expanded to fucking her constituents as well as fucking our Republic.

  5. Uncle Al- a thousand thumbs up.
    Doc- Luckily, we had pictures of you so we didn’t have to miss you too much. 😀

    You guys, Doc is hardcore on facebook. He merely blinks and the Facebook PoPo come running.

  6. And this holier than thou POS was despicable during the Kavanaugh hesrings

    The Democratic women who have won elections and are now running are dome of the most ignorant and vile people As a woman, I am ashamed.

    I want our first woman president to be an intelligent, classy woman who will work the the legal citizens of this country.

  7. “If you can’t take their money and screw em, you’re in the wrong line of work.”
    (Willie Brown – you could look it up)

    Pretty sure he took her money and screwed her – that’s his (and her) modus vivendi.

    izlamo delenda est …

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