Willie Brown Warns Recall-Threatened Newsom: You’re ‘in Trouble’ (Unless he blames Trump) – IOTW Report

Willie Brown Warns Recall-Threatened Newsom: You’re ‘in Trouble’ (Unless he blames Trump)

RedState: Is the governor of California in hot water?

He is, according to San Fran’s 41st mayor, Willie Brown.

On Saturday, The San Francisco Chronicle ran a Brown-pinned piece in which Kamala’s former flame laid it out:

Gavin Newsom is in Trouble. Here’s How He Can Survive.”

If you’ve not heard, the Golden State’s illustrious leader’s in danger of being recalled.

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8 Comments on Willie Brown Warns Recall-Threatened Newsom: You’re ‘in Trouble’ (Unless he blames Trump)

  1. I recall a successful recall of a governor in California.
    I had to look up his name.
    Gray Davis. I forgot.

    Sadly Schwarzenegger replaced him.

    But still. Rip the keys to the Governor’s mansion out of his hands and hope for a better outcome this time.

  2. Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century.
    Think it can’t come here?
    Think again.

    Aaaaaannnnd by the same token if Newsome (and others) think they can’t be Mussolini-ed,
    Think again!

  3. Newsom isn’t worried. He can just harvest a bunch of ballots from illegal aliens, print up a bunch of “mail in” ballots which will be returned without ever having been folded to fit in an envelope (sometimes the same day they are “sent”), use some trusty Dominion voting machines and he is a shoe in to beat any recall effort. That is our democratic process now, apparently. Totally legit. The supreme court says so. Can’t have the riggers rioting now, can we.

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