Wiretaps: Turkey Aided Passage of Militant ISIS Terrorists Into Syria – IOTW Report

Wiretaps: Turkey Aided Passage of Militant ISIS Terrorists Into Syria

WFB: A cache of wiretaps originating in Turkey appear to show the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan aiding the passage of militant fighters tied to the ISIS terror group into and out of Syria, according to new reports that are raising questions about Turkey’s commitment to its military alliance with Washington, D.C.

The wiretaps are said to show Erdogan’s government working alongside ISIS fighters, despite its public rhetoric in support of the American campaign to decimate the Islamic terror group.

Turkey’s alliance with the United States has been stressed for some time, as Erdogan continues his anti-Israel rhetoric and a series of policies that have strained relations between the Trump administration and Ankara.

The wiretaps shine light on what experts have described as Turkey’s private efforts to aid ISIS and create further havoc in war-torn Syria.

“A review of hundreds of secret wiretap records obtained from confidential sources in the Turkish capital of Ankara reveals how the Islamist government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has enabled—and even facilitated—the movement of foreign and Turkish militants across the Turkish border into Syria to fight alongside jihadists in the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant,” according to a report published by the Investigative Journal, a long form reporting portal.

“Recorded conversations between ISIL operatives reveal a different story from the one the Erdoğan government tells publicly,” the report states. “They suggest the government has provided political cover, without which it would be impossible for ISIL to operate and evade prosecution. The wiretap records, obtained by authorization from the courts, were part of an ISIL legal investigation launched in 2014 by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.”

The wiretaps are said to have come from several ISIS-related criminal cases and show how far Turkey officials have gone to keep the lines of communications with these terrorist fighters open. more 

6 Comments on Wiretaps: Turkey Aided Passage of Militant ISIS Terrorists Into Syria

  1. Can anyone explain to me why NATO shouldn’t be reshuffled and Turkey sent packing? We don’t need Turkey for our U2s to be based close to the Soviets (when your president is a commissar of the KGB, changing the name of the country is like putting lipstick on a pig….it’s still a pig), and we sure as hell don’t need the Turks sharing NATO secrets they are privy to with Moscow.
    If Frau Merkel wants to buy Soviet natural gas, let her citizens suffer the consequences when Putin declares it’s time for payback.
    We can’t pay a price for Germany’s freedom that is more than the Germans are willing to pay.

  2. The US really needs re-evaluate the need for the Incirlik airbase and see whether it can be relocated to another country that is not being eroded by Islam, or perhaps to be more accurate a leader and party using Islam to further their hold on power. NATO can’t afford to have Turkey as a partner any longer.


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