Wisconsin appeals court outlaws practice of spoiling absentee ballots to vote again – IOTW Report

Wisconsin appeals court outlaws practice of spoiling absentee ballots to vote again

JTN: A Wisconsin appeals court has upheld a lower court’s ruling forbidding the practice of “ballot spoiling,” requiring the state’s election commission to rescind guidance it had earlier issued on the matter. 

The state’s 2nd District Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld a county circuit court’s directive that ordered the Wisconsin Elections Commission to rescind its earlier instructions issued to voters who wished to void their submitted ballot and cast a new one. 

That practice, known as “spoiling,” is relatively rare in U.S. voting, though upwards of 33,000 voters in Wisconsin spoiled their ballots during the 2020 presidential election, according to the Associated Press

That figure constituted about 1% of all votes cast in the state, which Joe Biden won in 2020 by about 0.63%.  MORE

7 Comments on Wisconsin appeals court outlaws practice of spoiling absentee ballots to vote again

  1. You know, we never had these issues back in the old days when we had election DAY, when you had to get off your ass and go down to the polling place, show a photo ID, walk into a booth, draw the curtain, and carefully punch out the little chad, then walk out and drop your ballot into a locked ballot box. Friggin’ democrats screwed up everything.

  2. @ Tony R OCTOBER 30, 2022 AT 11:44 PM

    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

    – John Adams

  3. @The Democrats just love your sarcasm & projection. If we/The republicans win, everything is fine. But if we lose, they cheated, stoled it from us & we feel so violated. I’m gonna cry now. 🤣


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