Wisconsin: Big Win For Election Integrity – IOTW Report

Wisconsin: Big Win For Election Integrity

News From The War Room: Big Win For Election Integrity Yesterday.

6 Comments on Wisconsin: Big Win For Election Integrity

  1. It’s like the old saying “Fish or cut bait!” They will be talking about election integrity while our country slips slowly deeper into the swamp and to the point of no return!

  2. A huge win would be putting the President (Trump) in the White house where he belongs & rescinding the usurper’s (bite-me) edicts.

    Anything less is bullshit talk and bloviating.

  3. No doubt Mike has saintly patience. The fact that the demoncrats are busy erasing records of the election only adds to the proof that the election was fraudulent. The question is how do you treat blatant thieves and who’s going to do it?


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