WISCONSIN: Dem SCOTUS Nominee Janet Protasiewicz Used the N-Word When Referring to Blacks in Court Cases – IOTW Report

WISCONSIN: Dem SCOTUS Nominee Janet Protasiewicz Used the N-Word When Referring to Blacks in Court Cases

The Wisconsin Supreme Court election is coming up in less than two weeks on April 4th.

GP: Far-left Milwaukee Circuit Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz facing off against conservative former Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly.

The race will determine the majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Wisconsin is a “curious” voting state in the fact that six of eight US House races were won by Republican, just like in Missouri, but the far-left Democrat Governor, Lt. Governor, AG and Secretary of State incumbents won their reelection.
It’s weird how that happens?

The race on April 4 could not be more important and is predicted to be close.

But tonight a major scandal hit the Democrat candidate Janet Protasiewicz.

A former stepson and liberal family friend BOTH went on record to reveal how Protasiewicz used the n-word to describe blacks, black children, and black families who were accused of crimes.

What a shock. Another Democrat racist and hypocrite who says one thing when the cameras are on and another when she is at home with family and liberal friends. more here

18 Comments on WISCONSIN: Dem SCOTUS Nominee Janet Protasiewicz Used the N-Word When Referring to Blacks in Court Cases

  1. “…the far-left Democrat Governor, Lt. Governor, AG and Secretary of State incumbents won their reelection.
    It’s weird how that happens?”

    Yes! That IS weird!

    Go figure!


  2. Cincinnati just sacked their Black fire chief because he wasn’t doing enough to keep wimmins feelz from getting hurt. They temporarily covered it with a White AC, but of COURSE there is ZERO consideration that HE (a 56 year old FD veteran, family man, and retired Air Force lietenant colonel) will get to keep the job (because, White) and a nationwide search for the right (I’m guessing BlackFemaleLesbianDemocrat) candidate is started.

    No one worries about actual skills or talent any more. Its all about checking boxes, and Democrats who check some get a pass on pretty much anything…

  3. if she was from a Red state this would be every quarter of the hour news 24/7 with pannel discussions every other hour. As it is a blue state… down the memory hole.


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