American Thinker- We got an entertaining look into the minds of Democrat leaders in Wisconsin last week. They are so wrapped up in the propaganda vision of Biden’s policies that they actually made and posted a video of Wisconsinites (60% of them racial minorities) dancing the “stimmy shimmy” in ecstasy over the “free money” that the feds are sending out.

Apparently, a grown-up who pays taxes mentioned to them, as Ace pointed out, “that they were now simply the Welfare Queen party,” so they deleted the video. But the internet is forever, and a preserved copy is available for all to see: more
I am so proud to live in Wisconsin…Just joking.
They’d STILL be slaves of the demtards, if Republicans hadn’t freed them. 🙄
A sizeable part of the overall population, probably over half of it, thinks this way.
Will there ever be a day of reckoning for it and who will be the ones that reckoning falls on?
Call it stimulus, handouts, welfare, or whatever. But nobody wants to call it what it is: entire generations now being raised believing that anything good can only come from the government. I gots no job, I gots no future, but I gots me a gubmint check, so watch me shimmy!
Today is TAX DAY.
Just did my mine and I owed $500.
First time I ever OWED these rat bastards!
Good to see it going to fraud, graft, waste, abuse, reparations…
Fuck the goddamn government!
“Apparently, a grown-up who pays taxes mentioned to them, as Ace pointed out, “that they were now simply the Welfare Queen party,”…”
…I’m not sure this is accurate. This would imply that there’s a Democrat who 1) is a mental adult, and 2) pays taxes, and NEITHER of those things are typically noted as Democrat attributes, as the video unconsciously demonstrates.
They also don’t usually listen to taxpayers or anyone outside the Communist party anyway since the media covers for them and “elections” are assured by rigged voting systems, rigged courts, rigged media, and hordes of illegal alien voters, so the real mystery to ME is why the Democrats REMOVED the video, as shame and self-awareness are ALSO not noted as Democrat characteristics…
…it’s something like this, only with Government and everyone else getting a cut…
Anyone else creeped out by the term “stimmy?”
Liberalism is like a homeless person lying in their own excrement pointing a gun at the passerby……
Nothing like watching an entire generation of lazy, entitled ghetto thugs rejoicing. At least back in the old country, they could build a grass hut, now they’re too lazy and stupid to even do that.
More like the “Free Stuff” Party.
It’s a good sell. Has been for 2500 years, or so.
We never learn.
“To relieve want, not to supply indolence.”
(Solon of Athens, 550 BC)
“The eye of the covetous man is insatiable in his portion of iniquity; he will not be satisfied till he consume his own soul; drying it up.”
“And you all know security,
Is mortals’ chiefest enemy.”
izlamo delenda est …
That’s probably the first time in decades the Dirty Dems did something honest with making that video showing they’re the Welfare Queen Party.
We’re all Stymies on this bus.
Meanwhile the inflation from printing all those trillions of dollars is running at 10% and climbing. We had a burrito and 2 tacos and a drink at Baja Fresh yesterday: $21 and some change. Gas is up 75c per gallon. Welcome to Bidenomics.
Would someone doing this dance appropriately be called a pickanniny?
Wish I could shimmy like my sister Kate.
Yeah……it’s tax day…..
Never plan your taxes to get a refund….
Because if you owe the feds over anything….
They’ll take your tax refund….
I owed the va for a retirement script in 2004…..
But they took part of my 2005 tax refund….
Because……I made too much money…..
I’ve planned to never get a refund again.
Wisconsin Dems? I think not. Madison and Milwaukee dems yes.
Remember that there are at lease four generations of “sucking at the gubmint teet”. All they know how to do is take. When that dries up they will be coming for your stuff.
What a bunch of useless fucks. Only scum live actively seek to live off the backs of others when they’re otherwise healthy adults otherwise with local employment readily available.
What language is that? The least they could do was make it in English. Sheesh!
Oh ya! Isn’t today the start of Bidumb’s child tax “credit” to buy off families?
Tells ya’ almost everything you need to know about Democrats and their voters. This is exactly what I have said for decades: Democrat voters have no compunction stealing other people’s money, they think I don’t recognize that just because they voted for others to do their stealing for them it doesn’t change the fact that they are thieves. Every Goddamned one of them.
First dance: Stimmy Shimmy
Second dance: Shirking Working
No shame in declaring themselves parasites.
Dancing (?) about it, in fact.
We’ve come a long way, baby!
izlamo delenda est …
Curious what these gormless fools will do when they discover that the golden goose is dead, deep fried & passed around & there will be no seconds?