Wisconsin GOP Elections Commissioner Resigns – IOTW Report

Wisconsin GOP Elections Commissioner Resigns

GP: Republican Dean Knudson, a republican member of the WEC, abruptly resigned today after serving five years. Knudson slammed President Trump on the way out the door saying there was no fraud in the 2020 Wisconsin Election.

Knudson chose to ignore the voter fraud discovered by the Wisconsin Special Counsel earlier this year.

Remember, WEC, with the exception of Spindell, asked clerks across Wisconsin in 2020 not to follow election law involving Special Voting Deputies in nursing homes, which Justice Gableman believes in his March 1st Interim Election Fraud Report, was the breeding grounds for massive election fraud. more

11 Comments on Wisconsin GOP Elections Commissioner Resigns

  1. There is a movement in Wisconsin to abolish WEC. This asshole Knudson is feeling the heat, so he bailed. The state Republicans are cleaning house in preparation for the midterms. We are recruiting volunteers to monitor all remote ballot boxes around the clock to catch and record ballot harvesting. We also recruited extra monitors to work in Milwaukee, Madison and Green Bay. (Sorry Zuck, but your money is no good this time) RINO’s beware.

  2. I appreciate your optimism mickey but never underestimate the laziness of the WI GOP. They enjoy being wined and dined by lobbyists too much to worry about election integrity or the wants of the little people

  3. FACTS that got you your free speech taken away.
    Trump never colluded with Russians.
    Covid came from a Chinese lab.
    ETC…, ETC…, ETC…

  4. Even bigger assholes than democrats are the republicans who cooperated with democrats to steal the election just because Trump rubbed them the wrong way. How fucking stupid and petty and selfish and shortsighted do you have to be to do that?


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