Wisconsin GOP Lawmakers Join Federal Lawsuit to Overturn Fraudulent Elections in Swing States WI, PA, GA, MI, and AZ – IOTW Report

Wisconsin GOP Lawmakers Join Federal Lawsuit to Overturn Fraudulent Elections in Swing States WI, PA, GA, MI, and AZ

Gateway Pundit: Wisconsin lawmakers signed onto a federal lawsuit to overturn the fraudulent elections in several swing states.

Democrats shut down counting in these states on election night, dumped in tens of thousands of suspect ballots and stole several states that President Trump won.

Never in US history has there been as much fraud in one presidential election. more

7 Comments on Wisconsin GOP Lawmakers Join Federal Lawsuit to Overturn Fraudulent Elections in Swing States WI, PA, GA, MI, and AZ

  1. Geoff C. and I are going to be calling a number of federal and state lawmakers tomorrow, Christmas day. This is our message, sung to the tune “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”:

    “We wish you would go to prison,
    We wish you would go to prison.
    We wish you would go to prison
    For ee-lect-shun fraud!

    No presents for you,
    You know what you did.
    We want you in prison,
    And we’ll find what you hid!”

    We wish you would get a snake bite.
    You are playing with dy-na-mite!
    You won’t win with a sound bite.
    So don’t even try!”

    So! So! So! Merry Prison!”


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