Wisconsin Lawmaker: I’ll Believe Miller Park Tax Is Dead When I See It – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Lawmaker: I’ll Believe Miller Park Tax Is Dead When I See It

WFB: A Waukesha County state representative isn’t getting too excited over the latest talk about ending the Miller Park sales tax.

Pewaukee state Rep. Adam Nelyon said lawmakers and Miller Park managers have talked for years about ending the .10 percent sales tax that has paid for the ballpark for more than 20 years.

“From the time the original end date in 2014 came and went, I’ve supported legislation to bring this tax to an end,” Neylon said. “[But] we’ve seen deadlines come and go in the past, and I would encourage the Stadium Board to keep their word on this one.”

The Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District on Tuesday voted to end the tax in March of next year.

Miller Park’s board chairman, Don Smiley, said the vote was “rewarding” for taxpayers.

Anyone who’s shopped in and around Milwaukee, specifically Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, Waukesha and Racine counties, since 1996 has paid the tax.

Neylon and other lawmakers say the tax has taken in over half a billion dollars over the years.  more here

10 Comments on Wisconsin Lawmaker: I’ll Believe Miller Park Tax Is Dead When I See It

  1. Ronald Reagan quote comes to mind.

    “No government voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the closest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth.”

    Same idea. The telephone tax to pay for the Spanish American war (1898) finally ended (or more likely was renamed) in 2006. Taxes never disappear.

    It’s for the children, ya know.

  2. “It’s Wisconsin…It’s like Czechoslovakia…We’re in and out

    in no time”

    ( And until they bring back the dude going down the slide into a

    Beer after a HR No one will take them seriously )

  3. They charge taxes to the public whether a fan of the game or not. The team owner rakes in giant profit’s which enable them to pay ridiculous sums of money to the arrogant players who more often than not treat the taxpaying fan like vermin. That same tax paying fan has to pay for tickets and concessions at prices that keep many taxpayers away from the stadium. Somethings just not right about this.

  4. Willy, saw many a braves games at old Fulton County stadium, the chief had a teepee above left center. He’d do the war dance after a homer. Until the liberals got involved. Liberals ruin everything.

  5. WE have the same thing here in Seattle, hotel tax was suppose to end years ago that paid off Mariner Field. Who knows what they are using the money for now.


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