Wisconsin Legislature Votes to Approve ‘Special Counsel’ to Audit 2020 Election – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Legislature Votes to Approve ‘Special Counsel’ to Audit 2020 Election

Becker News-

The Wisconsin legislature has approved an audit for the 2020 election. The news was reported by Right Side Broadcasting Network on Friday.

“Wisconsin Republican state legislators approved an audit of the state’s 2020 presidential election results, to begin in the coming weeks,” RSBN reported. “Former state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman was appointed to oversee the investigation of the election results.”

The election audit details were reported earlier by the Wisconsin Examiner. more

4 Comments on Wisconsin Legislature Votes to Approve ‘Special Counsel’ to Audit 2020 Election

  1. Nothing moves slower than a Republican politician.
    The lot of these A-holes are so worthless – Perhaps these Republican state houses could have corrected this almost a year ago – no, we’ll look into it now that it is campaign season. Won’t do anything about it but we’ll make some great speeches and point out how bad everybody got screwed while doing nothing to correct the problem.

  2. Johnson noted Trump underperformed other Republican candidates further down the ballot, arguing Trump ‘lost Wisconsin’ because ‘51,000 Republicans didn’t vote for him’ and that there’s ‘nothing obviously skewed about the results’.”

    And that didn’t seem at all peculiar to Johnson? Really?


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