Wisconsin Parents Sue City For Closing Down Schools – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Parents Sue City For Closing Down Schools

Daily Wire: A group of Wisconsin parents, along with School Choice Wisconsin, is suing the city of Racine after the city closed its schools, defying a Wisconsin Supreme Court restraining order preventing the city from closing the schools.

The sequence of events preceding the lawsuit included Dottie-Kay Bowersox, the City of Racine Public Health Administrator, issuing a public health order on November 12 in which she required all schools within the jurisdiction of the Racine Public Health Department to close their buildings while urging them to switch to virtual learning from Nov. 27, 2020, through Jan. 15, 2021.

Bowersox stated, “We’re concerned that, again, individuals will not be responsible. They will interact with individuals outside their home. They’ll go to gatherings and such. They won’t be masked. They won’t keep social distancing, and they won’t stay home when they’re ill.” read more

3 Comments on Wisconsin Parents Sue City For Closing Down Schools

  1. Depersonalization of our interpersonal relationships is essential to controlling the behavior of the masses so they don’t act in unison for things outside their best interest, and the prevention of normal social action and development of the children in school with each other absolutely has to be interrupted in order to fully accomplish this over the longer term.

    That is the real (covert) reason the schools have to be closed and personal activities among the students severely limited.

  2. As a School Tax Payer I want a refund – now that they’ve started 3rd world educational standards our children are being deprived of a quality education. No doubt the empty schools are going to waste, the online education should be able to be distributed electronically to a vast array of schools across the country. There is no longer a need for the number of teachers teaching the same lessons material to only a handful of students. It should be no different than a online course and testing can be done electronically as well. School support staffs are no longer needed. I hope to see a large reduction in my yearly School Tax.


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