Wisconsin Pharmacist Arrested for Deliberately Spoiling Vaccine Doses – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Pharmacist Arrested for Deliberately Spoiling Vaccine Doses

PJMedia: A pharmacist from the small Wisconsin town of Grafton has been arrested and charged with deliberately ruining hundreds of doses of COVID-19 vaccine by removing them from refrigeration for two nights.

The Moderna COVID vaccine must be stored in freezers and is viable up to 12 hours after being removed. The unnamed pharmacist removed 57 vials of the vaccine containing more than 500 doses on Christmas Eve and put them back the next morning. He left the vials out on the night of December 25 where they were found the next morning by another staffer.

Police have no motive so far for the vandalism. more

14 Comments on Wisconsin Pharmacist Arrested for Deliberately Spoiling Vaccine Doses

  1. Aurora is one of the better if not best health facilities in Wisconsin. This is more of a black eye than a crisis for them. I wonder if he just spaced it out. Blame it on Covid-19 overwork stress. Oh well, they will make more vaccine and he will be working the check outs at CVS.

  2. Fired??? The son of a bitch should be permanently disbarred. Did Nancy put him up to this?

    And if he denied 500 people, how many more people seeking heart rhythm sustaining medications has he tampered? Pox on him

  3. I had a major stupid 3 days ago.
    I bought a cook from frozen Turkey but did not realize.
    Like a moron I pulled it and defrosted it slowly over 2 days and that’s when I saw the “Do Not Defrost – Cook From Frozen”

    Totally on me, done intentionally by me, but obviously not with intent.

    It was delicious last night and We had it between the NCAA Bowl Games.
    GO OHIO!


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