Wisconsin regulators promise no ‘locked doors or dark corners’ on Election Day – IOTW Report

Wisconsin regulators promise no ‘locked doors or dark corners’ on Election Day


Wisconsin’s election managers are trying to get ahead of any criticism of the August primary by reminding voters that local election managers do almost all of the work on Election Day.

Wisconsin Elections Commission administrator Meagan Wolfe told reporters on Tuesday that the Commission simply supports local election clerks across the state.

“Wisconsin has the most decentralized election system in the nation,” Wolfe explained. “Each of our 1,850 municipal and 72 county clerks really do the on-the-ground work of administering elections.”

Wolfe’s Tuesday news conference is one of several she’s planning in the run-up to both the August primary and the November general election.

“The best way to combat misunderstandings about the election process is to provide the facts and to show the public opportunities for them to engage with elections,” Wolfe said. “There are no locked doors or dark corners in elections, and we want members of the public to get involved.”

Wolfe and the Elections Commission continue to deal with questions about the 2020 president vote. more

11 Comments on Wisconsin regulators promise no ‘locked doors or dark corners’ on Election Day

  1. “…no ‘locked doors or dark corners’ on Election Day”

    …no, we’re going to rat-fuck your “election” right in FRONT of you in broad daylight this time and DARE you to do anything about it.

    Last time was a test and we liked what we saw. You all are a bunch of pussies that don’t even do anything about when we murder some of you and take others political prisoner. We also know the military and police completely belong to us too, so now we WANT you to rise up so we can have them cut you the fuck down, then we’ll dance on your corpses and rape your children on TV and say its how we deal with Insurrectionist, which will make a BUNCH more of you puss out when we kick in your doors and take your guns.

    It’s on, you fucking peasants. You lost, and you’re about to learn how BADLY.

    Fucking losers.

  2. Dark corners? Fuck me, I saw suitcases full of ballots hauled out from under tables and nothing was done about it.

    This shouldn’t even be being open to question or debated, it should be axiomatic.

    Our forefathers would have run out of hemp rope and vacant lamp posts by now.

  3. “Each of our 1,850 municipal and 72 county clerks really do the on-the-ground work of administering elections.”
    And it only takes a half dozen or so to rig the outcome in the leftists favor.

  4. Wow the Democrat is quite the loud mouth Troll.
    He wants to kill us and rape our children and dance on our dead bodies, sounds like a everyday brain dead dem.
    Sonny when it starts you best be ready because we will hunt you losers down and show you no mercy nor your loved ones.
    It will be a blood bath that will not stop until we have got rid of every one of you commies bastards.
    Go ahead and start it we double dog dare you.


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