Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Public Absentee Drop Boxes Illegal – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Public Absentee Drop Boxes Illegal

Gateway Pundit: The Wisconsin Supreme Court today ruled that absentee drop boxes are illegal in the state.
The court ruled 4-3 that the drop boxes can only be placed INSIDE election offices. more

8 Comments on Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Public Absentee Drop Boxes Illegal

  1. That’s a start.

    Say, How come no honest repubelicans or demoncraps are stopping Biden from selling strategic oil reserves to the Chicoms? (Brad’s on to something here.)

  2. Yep, Tony, now they may have to step inside to cheat. Assuming of course the democrap-controlled districts don’t install outdoor mail slots on boxes “inside” offices.

    But yeah, rabid though the Dems may be, they are cowards at heart. There are still enough to brazenly walk into an office. Even with an entire mail-tub of “votes.”

    I’d prefer that if it were to be allowed to walk-in, then one vote per person or by U.S. mail. It is an absentee vote after all, why are you here again?

  3. Doesn’t matter, Milwaukee, Dane (home of Madison) and Brown (home of Green Bay) counties will still allow it. All have liberal DAs and AG of Wisconsin is liberal too. No one will be prosecuted. Not trying to be a downer but rest of WI needs to get out the vote to overcome the usual 1 to 2% fraud


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