Wisdom and Motivation in the Midterms – IOTW Report

Wisdom and Motivation in the Midterms

AT: Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence spoke at a rally and told us to get on our knees and pray for the upcoming election. And then turn out to vote.

It was a rally in Lititz, Pennsylvania for Congressmen Scott Perry and Lloyd Smucker, with senatorial candidate Lou Barletta.

I brought my kids. They are too young to vote, but old enough to boo at the mention of Nancy Pelosi, and they are old enough to pray, which is what Mike Pence asked us to do.

It isn’t the first time he told me to pray. In 2005 my marriage was falling apart; I attended a weekend men’s event at my church in Springfield, Virginia, where I met then-Congressman Pence. He was a leader in the men’s movement at church, and he told me to pray with my wife every single day, no matter what. He said it was one of the transformative things he had done in his marriage. I started doing it, and 14 years later we are still praying together every day. Mike Pence didn’t single-handedly save my marriage, but we were headed for divorce when he told me that, and things have been better every day since then, and that conversation was the turning point.

But then he told us to pray for the country, our elections, and our future on Wednesday. And then vote. “Friends don’t let friends vote alone,” he said. He is right. We need to pray, and we need to turn out a lot of voters. This midterm election is going to be an important one.  more here

6 Comments on Wisdom and Motivation in the Midterms

  1. tonight I am praying for the best friend, since high school, of my daughter-in-law. she is lying, paralyzed, at the U of MD Trauma Center in Baltimore, MD due to a ‘distracted driver’ that hopped the median strip & airborned her vehicle on top of my daughter-in-law’s friend’s vehicle, (while going to work at the medical center) severing her spinal column
    she is one of the sweetest human beings I ever had the privilege of knowing

    justice is a human construct, meant to keep us from insanity in an insane existence

    … apologies for the bummer post …

  2. I’m voting and believe that the upcoming election will be to the Republicans favor and saying that the democraps will lose bigger than they did 2 years ago. Since I live in the state of Washington I have no choice but to vote by mail which I hate with a passion because it’s may be too easy for voter fraud to go undetected especially on the West side of the state and even here in our district in Eastern Wash. with Kathy McMorris Rogers being challenged by an out an out socialist Nancy Pelosi wannabe in Lisa Brown who I pray fervently does not get elected to Congress. I’m fasting and praying next weekend that first God’s will be done and that we as a people don’t fall for all the liberal lies which lead to destruction of this country as we know it. My gut tells me that we will win because far too many people have woken up and see what the democraps and media and academia, Hollyweird etc. are doing and will turn out in massive droves to vote Republican to turn back their evil tide before it’s too late.


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