With All This Manure, There Must Be A Pony Somewhere! – IOTW Report

With All This Manure, There Must Be A Pony Somewhere!

Political Clown Parade: Former CIA Director John Brennan is not your garden variety liar. Brennan is the kind of man who feels quite content to brazenly mislead the American people and then shamelessly lecture us about integrity, decency, wisdom and humility.

Brennan’s eagerness to deceive and his long record of supporting radical and unaccountable powers was never more evident than when he cast his vote for Gus Hall, head of the Communist Party USA─the Kremlin’s man in Washington─for President of the United States during the Leonid Brezhnev era.

Brezhnev and Yuro Andropov, KGB chief, were giving the light to Mehmet Ali Ağca to assassinate Pope John Paul II in 1981.

Two of Hall’s most notorious quotes include:

“There’s no question that the United States will become a socialist country. It’s as inevitable as the sun rising tomorrow.”

“We want to overthrow the capitalist system. But the means that we have chosen are ones of mass education and propaganda. We have our newspaper and we appear on talk shows and we will take part in elections.”

Brennan took part in those elections when he cast his vote for the “cause”.

I said all that to say this:  The irony of Brennan’s latest screed in The Washington Post is breathtaking.  MORE

12 Comments on With All This Manure, There Must Be A Pony Somewhere!

  1. He is TOP on my list of Traitorous Lying Despicables.

    A real POS.

    I, for one, would rather hang with all yous Deplorables…on the other hand.


  2. Carl Gallups hosts a radio show each Friday afternoon here on the Gulf Coast of Florida (In Milton, FL just across the bay from where I live in Pensacola.) Carl is a pastor and author and is very close to Mike Zullo, the lead investigator for the Cold-Case Posse of Sheriff Joe Arpaio; they investigated the 0bama birth certificate with the help of independent experts in tech and software and concluded that it was, in fact, a forgery/piecemeal document. Mike Zullo is very often on Carl’s show giving updates.

    Perhaps you’ve heard of this controversy? (being facetious)

    Yesterday, Carl reiterated something Mike said the previous week; that what we will ultimately find out is that Brennan was behind the creation of the birth certificate that 0bama presented to the world. Carl stated a while ago that this whole “investigation” into Trump would end up relating to the BC on 0bama. Recall that Hillary was the original “birther” who raised the question, but it was Trump who forced 0bama’s hand to provide his BC.

    Imagine the fallout when it is revealed to the nation that this is what happened. People were deceived on the deepest level, the identity of a person, their President, not being what was presented to them.

    One last thing to think about; Why is “Identity” under such assault in the wake of the 0bama years? Who you are, your Identity, is the most fundamentally important thing, but it’s attacked on every level by the Left: Voter ID, Gender, Citizenship, etc.

  3. Isn’t Brennan a closet muslim??? Who’s gonna go down to protect No Momma Obama? They’re all gonna look good in orange. CAUTION: Don’t drop the soap.

  4. @ Ted Nougat – from your lips to gods ears!
    I wanted to up vote that waaay more than once…GREAT inside baseball story…good work and carry on.


  5. Brennan is the only one I can think of that I despise even more than I do H-Rod, Schmuckles the Clown, and Barky and his beard.

    Brennan is still very, very bitter over not getting the Director of Central Intelligence job his first time around.

  6. A lot of manure is not evidence of the presence of a pony.
    It is only evidence of the presence of a horse’s ass, or several of them. And maybe also the presence of a few female goat intimate friends with benefits.

  7. I’m very curious who Barky really is. Is he just the lusthatchling of the aging Frank Marshall Davis and the barely pubescent SKANKLEY Ann Dunham?
    Or was he really born in WA State to Malcolm X and Ms. Skank? Or could he be unrelated to any of them? Did he change his name in Canada from Barak Mounir Ubayd? Why did his mom call him Soebarkah? If he had a mom, that is. What about his multiple SSI Numbers and Addresses around the country? And doesn’t the ghost of Harrison J. Bounel want his SS number back?

  8. Late to this party but,
    History of a Common Word

    “Manure”: An interesting fact.

    Manure : In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything for export had to be transported by ship. It was also before the invention of commercial fertilizers, so large shipments of manure were quite common.
    It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, not only did it become heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by-product is methane gas. As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM!

    Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening

    After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the instruction ‘ Stow high in transit ‘ on them, which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this “volatile” cargo and start the production of methane.

    Thus evolved the term ‘ S.H.I.T ‘ , (Stow High In Transit) ,…………. “So it’s really not a swear word”
    which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day.

    You probably did not know the true history of this word. Neither did I

    I had always thought it was a golfing term.


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