With Mueller investigation, FBI gets chance to physically inspect ‘hacked’ DNC computers – IOTW Report

With Mueller investigation, FBI gets chance to physically inspect ‘hacked’ DNC computers


Robert Mueller’s appointment as special counsel of the Russia election interference probe presents an opportunity for the FBI to inspect the Democratic Party computers that U.S. intelligence concluded were penetrated by Kremlin-directed hackers, cybersecurity analysts say.

The Democratic National Committee did not allow the FBI to physically inspect its machines, including servers. There is no public indication that any government agency has ever looked at the machines, prompting some former intelligence people to question the findings.

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11 Comments on With Mueller investigation, FBI gets chance to physically inspect ‘hacked’ DNC computers

  1. After examining the materials, The FBI claimed there was nothing there. They consisted of wedding plans, yoga lessons and planning funeral arrangements.

  2. Since when does the FBI need permission to look at evidence of a crime or breach of National Security?

    The DOJ & FBI has a long road to travel to regain their integrity, honesty and perceived professionalism.
    When will they start the journey?

  3. Is the FBI afraid to examine the drives bc some of their own might be associated with ‘pizzagate’? I certainly found it strange that that term was mentioned by Awan’s lawyer. Didn’t you?!?

  4. “The DNC coordinated with the FBI and federal intelligence agencies and provided everything they requested, including copies of DNC servers…”

    Coordinated?? Shouldn’t that be “cooperated”? Coordination implies collusion, in my mind. But if it was a “matter”, and not an “investigation” I guess what difference does it make. These weasels and their words,..

    And just Wat thee phuque are ” copies of DNC servers”?? I hate these lowlife scumbags.

  5. I had been thinking that PDT should fire Mueller, but now it seems that the best possible outcome for the Swamp right now is if PDT fires Mueller. All of this inconvenient truth that is popping up will go away, and they’ll have their opening to take down PDT.

    I think PDT is doing the same thing with the Mueller Inquisition that he’s doing with Obamacare: letting it collapse under its own weight. Look for much more beg-goading from the Brennans and Grahams trying to get PDT to fire Mueller. This is not turning out like they expected.

  6. @Thirdtwin – “And just Wat thee phuque are ” copies of DNC servers”?? I hate these lowlife scumbags.”

    An investigation NEVER examines hard drive directly because that, by the very nature of computers, will alter the evidence. An exact byte-for-byte copy is made of the drives, then the COPIES are examined.

    After all this time, the dems have cleaned these up so there won’t BE any evidence. I’d be very much surprised if whatever they give up to the feds is even the same equipment. “Oh, we had the same kind of hard drives the IRS used and they all coincidentally crashed too, so they had to be replaced.”

    The feds need to subpoena the company that “examined” the DNC servers and get THEIR copies too so they’re looking at the same evidence that was proclaimed clean. And compare them to see what was deleted.

    My fear is that the drives are encrypted, which means passwords and/or hardware dongles MUST be used to make them readable, and somehow, even after the inevitable months or years going through the judicial process to force them to be surrendered, the passwords won’t work.

    It might be easier – and cheaper – to pay the Russian hackers for THEIR copies of what was on the servers.

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