With Russia narrative crumbling, Nancy Pelosi floats new snoozer of a Trump scandal – IOTW Report

With Russia narrative crumbling, Nancy Pelosi floats new snoozer of a Trump scandal

Michelle Malkin: The Comey hearing yesterday didn’t give the Democrats anything they can work with as far as shoring up their eroding Russia talking points, so Nancy Pelosi has moved closer the a new goal of adding “sleepiness” to the articles of impeachment:  MORE

17 Comments on With Russia narrative crumbling, Nancy Pelosi floats new snoozer of a Trump scandal

  1. That photo. My Gawd.

    Nancy looks like one of those mummified corpses you see in the Sicilian catacombs.

    Wrinkled. Shrunken. Jaw agape. Held upright by wires, in tattered 18C burial clothes, gnawed by 200 years of rats.

  2. Oh Lordy ! Desperate Much Nancy ? She’s running out of Ideas, and it’s too Late to Make New Ones.
    Try- Donald needs more Roughage, or He’s looking Dehydrated. Nancy Stop Looking in the Mirror for ideas, before Taking to the Senate Floor.

  3. This gives me an opportunity for a little Jimmy Carter trivia (you remember him, he’s the guy who lived long enough to lose his place as the worst president in US history to Obama).

    Carter used to get to the Oval office very early to give the impression that he was hard at work. According to his Secret Service detail immediately upon arrival he’d take a nap.

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