More Revelations About The Arizona Audit – IOTW Report

More Revelations About The Arizona Audit

More Revelations About The Arizona Audit Now we know for sure that Maricopa County didn’t run it’s own election and allowed a third party to do it, they don’t have the administrator password which tells us they never did an audit either. Every lie will be revealed.

16 Comments on More Revelations About The Arizona Audit

  1. It isn’t BLM that is the problem, it is these people, that are running things and trying to destroy this country that is the problem.

    Get rid of them, in any way necessary, possibly with extreme prejudice, and the BLM problem goes away too.

  2. Goofs on msnbc/cnn/etc are out discrediting, with the smug bitch secretary of state, the audit as a misinformation campaign doubling down on the cleanest/most accurate honest election in history narrative while saying it’s a partisan effort and any results should not be believed, while also ragging on the company/people doing it as invalid auditors.

    They sure seem nervous about anyone looking at results that have been declared the most accurate in history. I would be too if it meant I could end up in jail. Lying stinking filthy slimeballs.

    Anything they disagree with = misinformation. God I’m so sick of these pansies.

  3. And with each revelation we get what? Justice? More frustration. We have a very crooked son of the current president caught literally with his pants down and WHAT? Crickets.

  4. Mm MAY 7, 2021 AT 7:32 PM

    And with each revelation we get what? Justice? More frustration. We have a very crooked son of the current president caught literally with his pants down and WHAT? Crickets.

    Eeyore identified.

    Please tell us your useful alternative action/plan.

    Or STFU

  5. Can’t agree with you Dadof4. Maybe there is no useful alternative action/plan. I might believe there is one, but that doesn’t mean all can see it. Some people are getting tired of being led on and then let down. Doesn’t mean they have to shut up. If anyone has their confidence shaken because another person, that they don’t even know, says it looks hopeless, I’d say they have a false confidence and need to reevaluate their situation. Personally, I am unsure is anything can be done or not. But I don’t lose my hope because someone else has lost theirs. Let all speak and let all listen and then let each one make up their own minds.

  6. @ efemdy

    My missive comes from a long time of negative attitudes that bear no fruit. Comments like his only spit on any hope. What is the effing point of it if that’s all you have to offer?

    Either post something meaningful and helpful, or keep it to yourself. By now, you’re just being an a-hole pissing on every glimmer of hope out there.

    Are you being helpful? No

    Are you trying to kill any and all hope? Sure looks like it

    Keep it to yourself if you only have piss to give and not something constructive or better to offer. It’s getting old to hear such constant negativity as the only response to something that NEEDS to happen.

    People like you and him would need to be kicked out of any squad mission because you’re a constant drag down that’s never helpful and your loyalty to the mission is in question at some point.


    This is a legit development. You’re lack of support is noted.

  7. “Let all speak and let all listen and then let each one make up their own minds.”

    That’s just it!

    Nothing was offered! Just piss.

    That’s my point – apply your own statement to his post and you can see he had nothing to listen to. Just negativity to dampen your spirit.

  8. Dadof4, I offered no negative advise or comment. I would get kicked off of your squad? Sounds good to me. I generally don’t like to associate with people who can’t see an other’s viewpoint and won’t even try. His comment demoralizes you? Maybe your dedication and/or arguments aren’t very strong to begin with. I normally like what you post and often agree with you. Just not on this. People need to speak up and tell us what the think. I hope you have a good day and things go your way.


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