Without any benefit cuts, Obamacare costs to rise – IOTW Report

Without any benefit cuts, Obamacare costs to rise

WashingtonTimes: President Obama has managed to defend his signature health care law’s generous system of taxpayer-funded benefits from attacks in Congress and the courts, but Capitol Hill is finally beginning to eat away at Obamacare’s financial foundations.


The year-end spending bill that Congress just approved and Mr. Obama reluctantly signed delays three taxes written into the 2010 law to pay for new benefits and to keep a cap on exploding health care costs overall.

The bill also puts a big kink in the safety valve that was supposed to help limit insurers’ losses if they took part in Obamacare.

But the changes have had no effect on the millions of new Obamacare customers or Medicaid enrollees — only on the president’s promise that his health care program wouldn’t add to the deficit.  more


6 Comments on Without any benefit cuts, Obamacare costs to rise

  1. too bad the seated republican representatives forgot their campaign promises after they were sworn in.

    just like the incandescent light bulb ban, obamacare was supposed to be repealed when they got control of the house and senate.

    now they have control but no repeals.

    hey preibus, suck this asshole!

    go trump!

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