“Without Freedom of Speech, Everything Else Is Irrelevant… Without Freedom of Elections All of This is Just Chatter” – Pamela Geller – IOTW Report

“Without Freedom of Speech, Everything Else Is Irrelevant… Without Freedom of Elections All of This is Just Chatter” – Pamela Geller

By Joe Hoft

Pamela Geller was on The Joe Hoft Show on the Real Talk Network on Thursday to discuss current events and the current social and political landscape.  

Pamela has been fighting the radical left and brutal Islamist threat for over two decades.   She was famously targeted by jihadists who issued a fatwa for her death numerous times over the years.

During Thursday’s interview she shared the horrific experience on how two Islamists attempted an attack on her free speech event in Texas in 2015.  These radical Islamists traveled from Arizona to Texas to kill Pamela.  They were shot dead before they could kill others.

Pamela then survived another jihadist plot on her life.  This time an ISIS devotee planned to kill her at her home.  He was caught on his way to her residence.  She testified at his trial  where he was sentenced to 28 years in prison for the attempt on her life.

In 2018 Pamela’s daughters were doxxed by a writer at the Daily Beast.  The writer Taylor Lorenz doxed her lovely and successful young daughters.   This was only a couple of years after Pamela was nearly killed in Texas.  Lorenz was rewarded following her disgusting hit piece on Geller’s daughters with a position at The New York Times. more here

7 Comments on “Without Freedom of Speech, Everything Else Is Irrelevant… Without Freedom of Elections All of This is Just Chatter” – Pamela Geller

  1. @Hemline April 25, 2022 at 10:53 am

    > Without the 2nd Ammendment
    > No individual rights are enforceable

    Because, if it’s scribbled on a bathroom stall, it must be True(TM).

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