WNBA Players Walk Off Basketball Court When National Anthem Starts Playing – IOTW Report

WNBA Players Walk Off Basketball Court When National Anthem Starts Playing

I didn’t even know the WNBA still exists.

Townhall: Disrespecting the country by walking off the basketball court is part of a new initiative adopted by the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) that is somehow supposed to heighten the public’s awareness of racial injustices in the United States. Rather than standing united behind the flag, the WNBA has chosen to stand behind the divisive Black Lives Matter movement that supports defunding police departments. 

Earlier this month, the WNBA and the Women’s National Basketball Players Association announced a new initiative reportedly aimed at addressing the nation’s “long history of inequality, implicit bias and racism.” As part of the new initiative, players will don jerseys showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement and, apparently, will walk away whenever the national anthem starts playing.  read more

40 Comments on WNBA Players Walk Off Basketball Court When National Anthem Starts Playing

  1. Go ahead gals, knock yourselves out. The only reason your league exists is because you bitched long enough and had the NBA underwrite you or you’d have been bankrupt years ago.

    The boys are gonna be feeling the drop in revenue soon and all of you might be looking for other jobs that match your skill set like…..

  2. Next they will demand equal pay.
    HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha HaaHha Haaha

  3. “WNBA Players Walk Off Basketball Court … “

    … & no one noticed … or cared

    when you are irrelevant you don’t matter … produce a product that people care about, maybe you’ll get a rise …. not necessarily a good one

    you don’t even rate a ‘give a shit’ …. suck it

  4. Here is my suggested solution
    Do not watch them or their broadcast,
    Do not use their sponsors,
    Rinse and repeat.
    Professional sports may have a very rude shock coming, lost revenue. CCFL

  5. Can anyone name a WNBA player? Or a team? They lose $10 million a year on average and sometimes as much as $22 million a year. Their biggest $$ comes from ESPN. Last year their alleged major teams moved to smaller arenas going from 10,000 seats to less than 5,000.Tonight I believe they slit their own lesbo wrists.

  6. To get FoxNews on my cable I have to take the bundle with ESPN.
    – And MSNBC and CNN
    – I HATE giving money to my political enemies.
    – I’m about to just kill cable altogether.

  7. Only met ONE person who ever went to WNBA, a flaming lib who bought season tickets. He and wife(gack!) took their daughters to one game. They were so repulsed by the audience they never went back.

  8. I’m somewhat proud to say that I have never watched a football game in its entirety, the last baseball game I watched, Mickey Mantle was playing. And as far as WNBA, I’d sooner watch paint dry.

  9. @ Cmn¢¢guy July 26, 2020 at 12:29 am

    They may just get it… just not the way they had thought. The sky high NBA salaries demand high ticket prices, full arenas and big TV contracts. The future of that may not be as secure as it once was.

  10. Bob M^^
    According to Popular Music, a music journal, the song most commonly identified as a gay anthem is “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor.
    The version by Jonathan & Darlene Edwards would be the most appropriate ………….

  11. You know, it’s kinda funny – women are tough enough to make it in the Corporate world, but have to have special Affirmative Action and Harassment Laws to facilitate their advancement.

    Women are skilled and tough enough to play basketball but have to have their own league (which virtually no one watches) to protect them from actual competition.

    Women are mean and tough enough to be warriors but have to be protected from surly words and leers.

    Women are tough enough to be Marines but have to have different “standards” and “requirements” (which implies that the “standards” and “requirements” are really neither standard nor required) in order to succeed.

    And no (sigh) I’m not anti-women, or a fag, or patriarchic phallocentric, or distempered in any kind of way about the female of the species – I just get sick of bullshit – I need a more diverse diet – some facts once in a while.

    Anyway – fuck em and their stupid game and their stupid protest – didn’t watch before and certainly won’t watch now.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Back around 2001 the LA Times Sports section did as story on how the LA WNBA team was actively advertising and going for lesbian fans. I showed the article to some guys I worked with and we all howled with laughter.


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