Woke Hell: California Teachers Secretly Coached Student to Be Trans…And Never Told the Parents – IOTW Report

Woke Hell: California Teachers Secretly Coached Student to Be Trans…And Never Told the Parents

Townhall: I remember the good ole days when you just went to school, you did the lessons, had recess, and then went home. There were no controversies. There was no ‘woke’ nonsense. Two-plus-two equaled four. It was not hard. There were no byzantine protocols to solve this math problem. Speaking from my personal view, thank God I was a kiddo during this peaceful time in elementary school because as an Asian with white parents—I’m trash at math. I probably wouldn’t have survived. That was the 1990s when gas was way less than $2/gallon and political correctness wasn’t nearly the viral load as it is now in our national psyche. Nope. Instead, we have teachers who have gone way off the reservation concerning the curriculum. I know you already know that, but one California school went ‘Col. Kurtz’ insane concerning the LGBT stuff. They allegedly coached a 12-year-old to be trans, changed the pronouns, and never told the parentsmore

6 Comments on Woke Hell: California Teachers Secretly Coached Student to Be Trans…And Never Told the Parents

  1. I’m presuming that these evil Teachers’ Union scrunts are known by name and face.
    Time to have a jolly ol’ Necktie Party, with these teachers as the guests of honor. Teach them the “Dancing On Air” dance.
    When one considers the lives they’ve ruined, a little “payback” is not out of line.

  2. In this case, the only real value in showing up at a school board meeting and stating your case is for the viral-osity of the ensuing twitter/IG/FB/YT video. The board and the teachers DO NOT CARE what parents have to say.

    My first response, if I was to learn that my child had been preyed upon by these cretins, would be to lawyer up and sue the ever lovin’ shit out of EVERYONE who were either directly involved or even knew about it. And I wouldn’t broadcast my intentions, either. I’d just have each individual/entity served and let them, each and all, figure out just how far-reaching my legal pursuit is.

    If this was my child, I would make suing to their last nickel my career.

  3. In Cal this has been S.O.P. for teachers for at least 70 years I have direct, personal experience!
    Gov Ronny took a lot of heat from ACLU for firing some teacher for things like this 54 years ago!


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