Woke Inquisition Strikes Again: Andrew Sullivan Is Out After Attacking the Left’s Stifling Orthodoxy – IOTW Report

Woke Inquisition Strikes Again: Andrew Sullivan Is Out After Attacking the Left’s Stifling Orthodoxy

PJ Media: On Friday, Andrew Sullivan wrote his last column at New York magazine. Apparently, his brand of heterodox conservatism was too much for fellow staffers at NY Mag and Vox to take. Even though Sullivan supported John Kerry in 2004, Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, Hillary Clinton in 2016, and Joe Biden this year, his criticisms of the radical left were allegedly “physically harming” his Cancel Culture zealot co-workers. The woke inquisition has come for Sullivan, just as it came for Bari Weiss at The New York Times.

“What has happened, I think, is relatively simple: A critical mass of the staff and management at New York Magazine and Vox Media no longer want to associate with me, and, in a time of ever tightening budgets, I’m a luxury item they don’t want to afford. And that’s entirely their prerogative,” Sullivan explained in his final column. “They seem to believe, and this is increasingly the orthodoxy in mainstream media, that any writer not actively committed to critical theory in questions of race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity is actively, physically harming co-workers merely by existing in the same virtual space.”

“Actually attacking, and even mocking, critical theory’s ideas and methods, as I have done continually in this space, is therefore out of sync with the values of Vox Media. That, to the best of my understanding, is why I’m out of here,” the writer added. more

8 Comments on Woke Inquisition Strikes Again: Andrew Sullivan Is Out After Attacking the Left’s Stifling Orthodoxy

  1. Actually, the editorial section of most major newspapers can be elimininated and replaced with a computer generated writing program. Black – good, Hispanic – o.k., White and Asian – bad. Then the programmers can develop programming that reverses obvious observations; protests are peaceful, guns are bad except when used by criminals, police are evil, criminals should not be in jail, work is bad, socialism is good, Joe Biden is a great thinker, etc. These programmers can consult old Superman “Bizarro” stories to get the gist.

    Our major newspapers are going the way of the dodo anyway, and the cost savings measures of replacing entire editorial staffs with computer programs would be a cost savings measure. Plus, kicking these asshole writers to the curb and letting them starve a little may provide a real-life alternative perspective for some of them.

  2. The crocodile gets around to them, and not even last.

    I expect those of us who fight the crocodile will actually be last, and that assumes we lose the fight, which is not certain.

    In any event. I’d rather die on my feet, fighting, than live on my knees, like Emiliano Zapata.

  3. “Critical Theory”

    Fudging German philosophers. I’ve said it before, they’re the root of all evil. Starting with the Jew hating religious terrorist, Martin Luther.

    They should stick to engineering and leave philosophy to the french.


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